@011830-0a42ef84 using databases is a tiny bit tricky, but they are basically just tables with strict/enforced columns with types (like number, string, or date) and allow you to store rows in them. It is pretty transaction based kinda like actual databases. For a leaderboard you just need to create a database for a leaderboard, and to get data from it, just display say around 100 rows where a stat like coins is greatest, if you were to show some leaderboard of users with the most coins.
I’ll let you tinker around with that first and if you still need help then I would like to see your code and I’ll give working code. I do have a project that demonstrates how to use a database, you’ll have to look in the code though, and what it does it just check if a password you enter is the correct password by asking the database for the password and then checking if the inputted password is equal to the password from the database:
the project is in unlisted shared so u can see it
Hopefully my project doesn’t confuse you more, but all you have to do is just change it up and delete the stuff leftover from my challenge thingie. Instead of using the database to store one singular piece of text, you can use it to store multiple rows like a table and in the end, you could use that database to make a leaderboard of your own and shows what you want.
The columns it should be storing are (user id), found in Sensing, and then any variables.