@the_true_odst Because if someone were to speed up the project using turbo mode it wouldn’t do anything, here’s an example project, the dog moves 5 per frame
@jd131111 Hello and welcome to the website! Hope you like it we discuss CreatiCode coding alot here and you can even share/promote your projects too or get help with coding issues/bugs. To answer your question, I’m pretty sure you can see anyone’s score. Like mine is 0 and the sun god’s is 1. And if you’re referring to reputation on the forum, then you can see it just by clicking on a user’s forum profile. The forum and the site are pretty seperate and don’t/can’t use info from each other except for this forum making you use your CreatiCode account to make a forum account( although I feel it’d make sense if they were just together to begin with/merged but they do their job so its ok).
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Ik how http requests work, I hosted two discord bots on my laptop (and I only used chatgpt to learn new stuff, like dot notation and what some api stuff was because I was not gonna dig through the api docs), it seems to load it all via script tags, like I can’t find “About Me” or any content in it via view-source in the body doc, and I’ve found the script file (https://play.creaticode.com/scratch-playground.0f9a92301b4653bde090.js) used with like everything it seems
Embedding an iframe is good enough for “.html”, right?
For .exe, as @jeffreyrb03-gmail said, we don’t support compiling our extension into exe, nor does it work offline. However, you can create a simple exe program that contains an HTML element, then embed the CreatiCode project inside that element, right?
@info-creaticode I recommend adding AI animation along with sprites (if they aren’t in 3D as well). This would make the game run smoothly and would be quicker to implement