@info-creaticode also I have found data saving blocks output error 500 in the console when I try to use them
I am a young person who likes to code. I can understand code really well and prefer block based over typing because I can see everything available to me, it's faster to make, and seeing what stuff like if statements hold's is more clear in block based. I used to code on code.org but when I found CreatiCode I switched because it has much more stuff, doesn't run on an outdated version of js, and allows me to not have to process everything in a single line where nothing can run at the same time.
Best posts made by Tyller_
RE: Cloud Blocks dont work
RE: Cloud Blocks dont work
@info-creaticode when I made the new project it worked at first, but after about 3 or 4 times it just froze, even past refreshes, this is the same with my main project, and it never has let me make another world even after days https://play.creaticode.com/projects/66c4b48b244aac89fd7cabbb
Cloud Blocks dont work
I have noticed my project that uses Cloud blocks no longer works, I prefer using them, but I will migrate it all to the Multiplayer blocks if Cloud blocks are going to be removed
ChatGPT responds in chinese
ChatGPT is responding in Chinese, I have tested this in multiple projects https://play.creaticode.com/projects/66c8d5b9fc1061dacb9fafbe
RE: ngl, the remote edit is a great feature.
@jd131111 It used to be premium only but they changed it
Fast Sync Variables Lib
I have made a project that uses the multiplayer blocks to sync any amount of (positive whole) numbers tied to labels pretty fast.
It’s like a library (coding libraries are files that you import into a project containing pre-programmed general purpose functions to make coding easier), you drag two custom blocks that don’t take up too much space into any sprite where you need to use it.
You can add any number of labels that will be across all clients in the sprite you backpack.
Everything you need to touch is in the upper left corner of the workspace.I plan on making more projects that act as libraries, provide any feedback in replies! (if somebody wants to understand what it doing I can add comments to the project and explain in replies, but you would only need them if you want to understand how it works, you don’t need comments if you just wanna use it)
“Did you mean for it to say “Lib”?” - Catty
”Yes, lib is the standard abbreviation for library across all programming languages” - Tyller -
@011830-0a42ef84 the tutorials already available should be able to help you enough, they should be easy to find
Typing in editor is slow on iPad/mobile
I will have to wait until I can use my phone to show proof, but when typing anywhere on the main CreatiCode website (play.creaticode.com) it is laggy, in that it is slow to type and when I type it delays, like I type an entire sentence into instructions or notes & credits (or typing in a note/block) it takes a long time to type, and it shows the keys I press being pressed over time, I can show a video but when I actually press the key and when it types has a delay, and the faster I type the longer the offset is
TLDR: typing on an iPad on main website has a lag with even the keyboard and it isn’t here on the forums
I have two videos, one of in the editor and another of on the forums to show that it isn’t just me being very slow at typing, it’s quite annoying as I can type “Hello this is a test” in ~4 seconds at most but with the lag it takes ~15-20 seconds to type it all
I am unable to upload the videos right now due to when I try to upload a video to forums it says I do not have enough privilege for this action, I will attempt to upload to YouTube soon and reply/edit to add the links
RE: How do I convert a string to a list
@jeffreyrb03-gmail there’s a set list to split of text with splitter block, it’s right above the reporter blocks in the list section
Current error with accessing the website
Currently you are inable to access the website, the developer console shows a bunch of error code 500s
Latest posts made by Tyller_
RE: I might leave Creaticode soon (actually this time)
@the_true_odst Best of luck! I can provide tips on some stuff, I know JS quite well and in general would recommend very much you learn JS before trying to learn something like C#, especially since creaticode/all scratch related things aren’t that object oriented, so starting with learning the basic object oriented language that all websites have to use (for the browser) should be a priority, or doing unity/roblox lua
Edit: something else, do not be afraid to use ai, but don’t use it all over, just make sure you read the notes on what it writes (I have found that chatgpt is best at doing this and gemini by google will sometimes not explain as in detail) so you are learning from it and understand what it’s doing, that way you don’t just get some code that you put in your project and don’t know how to debug. Also you shouldn’t jsut get ai to do the hard parts and you do the easy ones, if you think you know all the concepts needed for a mechanic, even if it would be hard to implement, try at first, if you fail and want to use ai, you can ask it for a layout for how you’d program the mechanic (so for a acceleration system it would tell you to have a variable for acceleration added to the velocity every frame, not just give you the code), and if you don’t know how you could do some part of that layout, ask it how you would do it in the language you’re working in, it can help you learn new functions quite easily
TDLR of edit: if you want to use ai to help you program, you can use it, but don’t make it program for you.
RE: New website I'm working on
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I dont think it’s obfusc ated to make it unreadable intentionally, minifiers willl screw up vairable names but their still functional, if you do have visual studio code (or you can use vscode.dev, which I doubt your school will have blocked as mine doesnt) you can use the rename symbol function to go through and deobfusc ate, since it detects the scope (The reason to use it instead of renaming in symbols on your own is because compilers/builders will use same variable names for minified names often, but this preserveas scope), and Ik you dont have to read that code, but its a good trick to know (I only know it cus a small game I found that’s an electron app has a good small modding community, and the mod loader has a patch system for the bundle, so I had to learn how to read/make bundles more understandable)
PS: I have had to add a space in the middle of the second half of obfusc ate because it triggers the filter
RE: New website I'm working on
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I get this, if you haven’t (I think you probably have) you can either open that in a web browser side bar, then control a and control c the entire script since the web browser adds indentation to it in the script preview, or you can use something like npx prettier to make it readable (readable as in with new line characters and spaces), though I don’t know if your school has stuff like visual studio code blocked.
Google probably has their source page like that to format the search urls to have tracking stuff (or if google doesnt shove it in the url, probably session storage or just sends it straight to the server, or probably both of the latter ones)
Also what you can do for server testing (though ig you said you didnt want to use a server but just something to note if you ever want to switch to a server system) is use ngrok to expose your ports, ngrok is a free reverse proxy for development testing, and it’s limits are quite generous (doing some math says its monthly limits, if it was used constantly, are about 1 TCP connection, 1 TLS connection, and 4 http requests every 10 minutes or so, if used every 10 minutes for a month to do one of those, which is very generous for development purposes)
RE: @tyller_ Chat Room project thing
@c I’ll go fix that, I have the default message setup to notify some people of reports and must of messed it up in the project side
editing this cus I fixed it in like 4 minutes, it seems that the only way you could of gotten that is if it saw your user id as blank, for my alt I have a placeholder setup since I haven’t used it in a while so I haven’t gone to get its user id to set it. I left the place for the user id blank, so I just tested and if the user id is nothing it’ll detect your user id as being for my alt, I have made it so it has a dummy value, but it’s weird that it ever triggered since it would require your user id to be nothing.
Something else, I didnt realize you could make a world without a password and name, I thought I probably would of thought about that but I r have realized I didnt, I jsut made a world manually (via editing the sheets data) to have one
edit 2: I’ve also made it so it trims world names so you can’t make worlds with spaces/whitespace for names
RE: What is this?
@info-creaticode That sounds amazing! I think I sometimes will try that with people in classes at my school, though (maybe like what the ai could be like) I’ll sometimes just give the answer if they really don’t understand
RE: What is this?
@sirbots a quick google says it’s probably makes it more professional/better at solving errors, I found that being socratic means you ask questions that make who you’re talking to think more, helping you to understand/process what is happening in your program more in depth
@jd131111 if you want I can give you an example for hand tracking I’ve done, it’s a bit laggy but works (it maps hand detection to 3d, the issue is that it takes a lot of processing moving 46 points every frame for both hands)
@c that happens when the detection isn’t working, if you really try you can see that if you move your face out of frame nad then back in, you’ll see placeholder/debug joint spots (orange and blue dots connected by white lines) from one of the body part detection blocks
RE: So, There is a bug here. Can anyone fix it?
@sirbots Im curious, was it misplaced blocks elsewhere? or did you accidentally set something like box or the change thing to something else
RE: So, There is a bug here. Can anyone fix it?
@sirbots can you add a thing to draw a circle on the target? does the bot appear to be not moving anymore/on the target when its going down slowly? whats the distance showing (rounded)?