make Achievements, like an all nighter one, a one gotten by logging on after 10pm.
Milestone achievements:
Trust level 5
Trust level 10
Trust level 50
Trust level 100Feedback achievements:
Best Bug Finder
Best Forum Helper (group)
Most Reliable Helper
Most Trusted HelperThat’s all I have.
@106809nes Works!
Cool idea, but idk about like the “all nighter” one. Like catty told me, this is a k to 12 site and that would basically be encouraging kids to stay up all night behind their parent’s back and code, because children use the site, so maybe not that one? I think there could be better achievements anyways like badges on roblox, one for being on the platform for one year, another for having more that 20 friends, etc.
Yes, but all nighter is rewarded after logging onto Creaticode after 10:00 PM until 12:00 AM. -
@106809nes Past 12. 10 - 7 just log in for 10 mins in-between those times
No i’d say 10-12 so that it’s more restricted on how you can get it. -
@106809nes cool idea but some kids could still get in trouble when their parent catches them using the site because they want the achievement. Im using like sorta the same logic of this site being K-12 and we don’t wanna get kids in trouble over a dumb achievement
True, but you just have to log on, no time spent on it meaning kids can easily just sneak on the site and earn the achievement. -
@106809nes i get that and understand what you’re saying but the idea for that specific achievement seems like it could backfire and I doubt CreatiCode would add an all-nighter achievement to begin with
Okay, then we can change it to “Can’t stop foruming”, where you are on the website for a total of 6 hours in a day, it resets every day if you don’t have it. -
@106809nes this is a good idea actually
@106809nes i think you mean cant stop coding btw unless you also mean one for the forum
I think Shurkin means forum achievements. -
@106809nes oh ok right