Feature Suggesion
Can there be a collab button where you can create a project with other people you invite?
@greeniwastakenyt Good idea, I’m not a moderator sadly, but I hope CreatiCode sees this and will implement the feature, if they don’t, that’s fine too
@greeniwastakenyt I believe it exists in multiplayer, however it’s premium only
This is already a thing. However, you need a subscription for it. -
This can be complicated depending on exactly what you would like to do. Are you thinking about allowing multiple users saving to the same project at the same time? Then if one user deletes a block, then saves the project, what happens next? What if another user is updating the parameter of that same block, and also saves the project at about the same time, then whose action takes priority?
Another option is to divide up the work between users (say by sprites or by functions), then merge the code into one project, which can already be done.
@info-creaticode What I’d recommend is that for multiple people to edit the same coding area at the same time (e.g. if one person deletes a block, the other people using different computers sees the block deleted. I mean this like how in Docs people can edit at the same time if invited)
@info-creaticode I’m pretty sure the user is talking about Google Docs-style realtime multiplayer project file editing, with features like you being able to see the other user’s cursor, see them drag around blocks in real-time, etc. About priority, that shouldn’t be an issue considering it’s nearly impossible for two internet requests to occur at the same time that do the same thing, and one would come after the other, and if something’s already been done then it probably can’t be done again (depending on what it is). This would require websockets and definitely modifying deep deep deep Scratch internal stuff to handle extra cases and be compatible with dragging, which might very hard and unrealistic to do at the moment.
@jeffreyrb03-gmail @JD131111 @GreeniWasTakenYT @Tyller_ @c @The_True_Odst
We are releasing this feature for free for all users. Please try it out and let us know what you think:
@greeniwastakenyt Do you mean like Gandi IDE’s Invite button?
I would try it, but I can’t really do that on phoneAnyways, the idea is good. I like the limitations, and only the owner saving if anything goes wrong. Just from the gifs, this could definitely be useful in a lot of situations where 2 people wanna work on a project together… but how would animating work? Is either user allowed to create new costumes?
@c No Users are allowed to make sprites.
@c In Gandi IDE, last time I checked (And this may now be out of date), only one user can edit a sprite at a time.