@info-creaticode also I have found data saving blocks output error 500 in the console when I try to use them
I am a young person who likes to code. I can understand code really well and prefer block based over typing because I can see everything available to me, it's faster to make, and seeing what stuff like if statements hold's is more clear in block based. I used to code on code.org but when I found CreatiCode I switched because it has much more stuff, doesn't run on an outdated version of js, and allows me to not have to process everything in a single line where nothing can run at the same time.
Best posts made by Tyller_
RE: Cloud Blocks dont work
RE: Cloud Blocks dont work
@info-creaticode when I made the new project it worked at first, but after about 3 or 4 times it just froze, even past refreshes, this is the same with my main project, and it never has let me make another world even after days https://play.creaticode.com/projects/66c4b48b244aac89fd7cabbb
Cloud Blocks dont work
I have noticed my project that uses Cloud blocks no longer works, I prefer using them, but I will migrate it all to the Multiplayer blocks if Cloud blocks are going to be removed
ChatGPT responds in chinese
ChatGPT is responding in Chinese, I have tested this in multiple projects https://play.creaticode.com/projects/66c8d5b9fc1061dacb9fafbe
Fast Sync Variables Lib
I have made a project that uses the multiplayer blocks to sync any amount of (positive whole) numbers tied to labels pretty fast.
It’s like a library (coding libraries are files that you import into a project containing pre-programmed general purpose functions to make coding easier), you drag two custom blocks that don’t take up too much space into any sprite where you need to use it.
You can add any number of labels that will be across all clients in the sprite you backpack.
Everything you need to touch is in the upper left corner of the workspace.I plan on making more projects that act as libraries, provide any feedback in replies! (if somebody wants to understand what it doing I can add comments to the project and explain in replies, but you would only need them if you want to understand how it works, you don’t need comments if you just wanna use it)
“Did you mean for it to say “Lib”?” - Catty
”Yes, lib is the standard abbreviation for library across all programming languages” - Tyller -
@011830-0a42ef84 the tutorials already available should be able to help you enough, they should be easy to find
Typing in editor is slow on iPad/mobile
I will have to wait until I can use my phone to show proof, but when typing anywhere on the main CreatiCode website (play.creaticode.com) it is laggy, in that it is slow to type and when I type it delays, like I type an entire sentence into instructions or notes & credits (or typing in a note/block) it takes a long time to type, and it shows the keys I press being pressed over time, I can show a video but when I actually press the key and when it types has a delay, and the faster I type the longer the offset is
TLDR: typing on an iPad on main website has a lag with even the keyboard and it isn’t here on the forums
I have two videos, one of in the editor and another of on the forums to show that it isn’t just me being very slow at typing, it’s quite annoying as I can type “Hello this is a test” in ~4 seconds at most but with the lag it takes ~15-20 seconds to type it all
I am unable to upload the videos right now due to when I try to upload a video to forums it says I do not have enough privilege for this action, I will attempt to upload to YouTube soon and reply/edit to add the links
RE: How do I convert a string to a list
@jeffreyrb03-gmail there’s a set list to split of text with splitter block, it’s right above the reporter blocks in the list section
Current error with accessing the website
Currently you are inable to access the website, the developer console shows a bunch of error code 500s
RE: Importing glitch
@s9205307-810c679a I’ve seen that, for some reason they still function as whatever they were but they show as that
Latest posts made by Tyller_
Issue with comments attached to blocks
I don’t remember if I’ve reported this before but comments attached to blocks on a mobile device show very weirdly I don’t remember if I’ve reported it before (I was going to try a quiz and stuff)
RE: I'm back! (and I have a cool new gaem)
@011830-0a42ef84 I know you can climb the walls more, my issue is I seem to bounce off when I try to climb them, though ig the issue is I’m on an ipad (built in keyboard) so I have a big of frame/tick lag
RE: Packager for Projects
@auralunex Unlike Scratch, CreatiCode is not open source (and reverse engineering is not allowed), so a community made packager wouldn’t be allowed. But you should be able to use turbo warp for projects that don’t use any new blocks since it’s built off Scratch, you could suggest a packager but I don’t know if it would be allowed (also as i Think of this, what’s the difference between using iframes instead of a packager? I honestly have never used a packager and just want to know)
RE: I'm back! (and I have a cool new gaem)
@011830-0a42ef84 isi it meant to be so bouncy? I got to the second level and I’ve found the climbing walls but find it hard to do since the character bounces off the walls
RE: could simple HTML/styles be allowed in forum signatures?
@jeffreyrb03-gmail My siggy is actually just the html tags for my signature (in view source if you find the siggy it’s the tags that wrap it) plus what my “actual” siggy is inside those tags (telling ppl to not use forums as a chatroom)
Issue with add costume from url block
The add costume to url block seems to add to the currently selected sprite ONLY, instead of the actual sprite, this can be seen here The Empty sprite is my blank sprite for me to be in while I have the project panel not full screen (and according to ppl on scratch it makes it helps stop lag when not in editor/in project main page) The issue is that when the add costume block gets triggered in the Main sprite, it adds the costume to the empty sprite instead, not letting my pfp be used
RE: Sprite Folders?
@info-creaticode IMO snippets would of been sprites with labeling and details on what they do (more than just a title an icon, like a short preview description and a longer description detailing what it does) and the sprite can be one stack or multiple, I just feel limiting it to one stack would limit it to certain functionalities (I’m thinking what if you have something like multiple custom blocks that work together and only work with each other, ex: custom blocks to use something like a key value table where you need blocks to set a value and retrieve a value), though lone code snippets could work depending on the full intent of it
Edit: Example for what I mean
(List/grid of sprite snippets)
Player Controller
Simple premade player handlerSimple Enemy
Basic chaser enemyOther Snippet
A random snippet
/\Then when you click on one
Player Controller
Simple premade player handler
A simple player controller for quickly setting up wasd and arrow key support
[Add to project]
/\THe name in the example is “Player Controller”, the short description is “Simple premade player handler”, and the full description is “A simple player controller for quickly setting up wasd and arrow key support”
Making it would be when they go to submit a snippet example it would have 3 input boxes for the name short description (short description could be labeled title or something like that) and the full description (The short description is optional, I now realize you can probably convey what’s in the short description in the sprite name, I just got inspiration for it from somewhere)
RE: Sprite Folders?
@info-creaticode another example could be if somebody makes a set of sprites that can be put into another project to do various stuff (sprites to help debug or test stuff, example snippets in sprites, sprites with code for common functions or an engine like thing, etc) so its quicker to import and doesn’t get mixed up with the rest of your project
RE: Sprite Folders?
@catty enemies items and walls should (most of the time and in my experience) be clones of a sprite (one enemy sprite or almost one sprite per enemy type, same with items and walls), I would say yeah for rigging since I typically am somewhat reluctant to make new sprites (I don’t really know why, I just tend to not make new sprites for a lot of stuff)
RE: Is it possible to code this?
@blujey1294-328b9bc4 https://play.creaticode.com/projects/67910a97ef88686bff922e9e
I have fixed it, I changed the clone player and Brain of Cthulhu sprites, the issues were first, you put the on green flag click script with teh comment “player sprite” in the brian of cthulhu sprite, it should be in the player sprite. I then changed some stuff so it uses the Clone sprite for stuff (that way the clones can’t damage the player)