This New Ocean - Update Log
Below is the list of updates for This New Ocean. New updates will be listed here some time before releasing, and will hold the full update history of the game.
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Update 1.1 - General Update
Release date: March 24
What’s New:
- Begun live testing of bots.
- The game might break, as progress will be updated on this version.
- Reduced the number of particles emitted while moving
- Reduced the number of stars by approx. 25%
- Bases will now shoot at other players if they get too close.
- Firing your guns now have firing sounds
- Increased the chances of getting a favorable atmosphere and soil when updating the planet’s status with the Scanner.
- Smoothed out the ground of some planet variations to fix collision and movement issues.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the player could pull up the Build menu when the planet’s status was not favorable for building
- Fixed a bug where the player could not move when touching a base and their ship.
For the game’s first update, this has been aimed at beginning to test new features, and to fix some issues
For those who do not have an account, we’ve started work on bots to add in the future. These bots, while not actually having and building their own civilization, will be able to pose a threat by attacking you and your civilization. When the AI is rolled out, it will be in early beta testing.
In terms of performance issues, we’ve reduced the particle effects of the engine smoke when moving at high speeds, so it’s less on the game’s engine. The same with the distant stars.
For some quality of life and general atmospheric issues, we’ve added firing sounds for the guns of your ships. Bases will now also be capable of firing at enemy bots. Currently, they will not fire at actual players.
Because each scan on a planet for favorable conditions is solely RNG based, it could take a while to get the best conditions. Now, the general odds of getting poor conditions is less than normal.
For planets, we’ve smoothed out some sharp angles of some planet surfaces to fix being stuck on aforementioned sharp curves. And lastly, some bug fixes
- Begun live testing of bots.
Update 1.11 - Live Version Update
- Added a basic movement system for the AI. Does not take damage, attack, or does anything else yet. You can see the bot moving around the map.
The next live update will focus on having multiple bots moving around the map, and be able to be shot down and crash into other planets.
Update 1.2 - General Update
Online Multiplayer
- Fixed an issue with player position detection. Players should now appear at their correct locations on other player’s screens.
- Slightly rewrote the code for tracking player movement. Other players should have their location updated about 1/20th of a second faster.
- Removed the existing movement system to experiment with other similar systems.
- Changed the design of the tier 3 fighter.
- Adjusted the firing sounds when shooting to be in sync for when bullets are fired from the ship.
- Fixed multiple gravity bugs with some planet variations.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused the planet’s status to reset when exiting the construction menu.
- Fixed a bug which caused the existing AI bots to not scroll on screen or scroll the wrong way based on the player’s movement
- Fixed a bug where the player would be stuck between the terrain and their ship if they left the ship next to a hill or steep cliff on either side of them.
- Fixed a bug where Black holes would clip inside of other planets.
This Update is focused on quality-of-life, multiplayer, and visual changes aimed at improving the game’s functionality.
While the game is a multiplayer game, given that it’s my first time using cloud variables, its not great, but it works. Some adjustments were made to improve the multiplayer engine regarding functionality.
The first live test update of the AI was successful and unsuccessful. While there were multiple issues, it was marked as a major success as there were less bugs than anticipated, and thus will serve as a benchmark for future development.
For the Player, the firing sounds were changed so that it would be in sync for when bullets were shot, and and adjusted the design of the tier 3 fighter as to not cause confusion with the tier 1 version.
The next update will focus on a new live testing version of the AI.
Changes to 1.2 notes:
- Made a more stable movement system, and there are now multiple bots on the map.
@sirbots I don’t understand; what are you supposed to do after this?
@the_true_odst You scan the planet, pull up your construction tablet (The Button with the hammer), hover over the thing you want to build, click it, then press E. You must have at least a Fair atmosphere status to build. The status updates over time, so you can click scan repetitively. There is a bug where it would reset when you exit the construction menu, which will be fixed with the arrival of 1.2
@sirbots When I click, nothing happens. I tried pressing E and it didn’t work either
Edit: I clicked all the construction boxes and pressed E and nothing happened
@the_true_odst You need to have at least a Fair atmosphere or better in order to build. Use the scan button and press it repetitively until so.
@sirbots I think I figured it out; I saw a home icon near my ship when I pressed the settlement. You need to have visuals for settlements
@the_true_odst I will look into it.
@the_true_odst Oh alright. I might increase the size of the settlements so it’s easier to see.
@sirbots 1.2 Releases Tomorrow
On top of a new movement system, a basic HP system for destroying bots will be added for testing purposes. Only the original Sprite cannot be destroyed, but the clones can.
Update 1.2 has Released!
This will also mark the 3rd live test version of the game’s enemy AI!
Coming soon: A full list of the game’s first OST soundtracks!
The next update will focus on having the AI be an actual threat, and further functionality improvements.
Update 1.3 - Major Content Update
Release date (This is Subjected to change): Friday, March 28
What’s New:
- Added more detailed menus for each building when clicked on in the Construction Tablet
- The AI is now able to damage the player, albeit at very low increments for testing purposes.
- The AI will now be hidden if they are a certain enough distance away from the player, and will be revealed for the same reason.
*The AI will travel in groups (for lore purposes)
- Made it so that making a building would no longer appear where the player’s ship is at. Now, it will appear where the player is on the planet.
- Slightly increased building size to make it easier to see.
- Begun making the code for settlement buildings to have weapons to attack enemies
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the AI would sometimes completely disregard the player and not enter it’s attack behavior for some time until another bot had begun to attack the player.
Dev notes coming soon.
So our forum mailbox doesn’t blow up, can you make edits in your updates so you don’t have to have every reply isn’t a new update?
(e.g.updates 1-1.5
- update example 1 (ver.1)
- update example 2 (ver. 3)
- update example 3 (ver. 3.4)
and so on.)
and/or you can reply when you have major updates?
@the_true_odst I could do major updates for posts only, yea.
Update 1.3a is out! 1.3 will have a full release sometime this week.
Major content update 2.0 patch notes will drop Friday.
This New Ocean 2.0 - Major Content Update
Release date: TBA
What’s New
- Finished V1 of the AI
- The AI can now damage players.
- The AI will not be visible unless they are within a certain distance of the player.
- Begun work of adding statistics to different ships
- Increased the number of bots on the map.
- Widen the area at which bots spawn by 250% and further increased the distance of which they spawn from each other.
- Begun work of adding different statistics to different ships
- Begun live testing of guided missiles
- Begun work for settlements to attack enemy ships
- Added a new building: Port
- Provides the highest resource rate of any building up to this version, and is the first major resource production building to have defenses.
Statistics - Population Growth Rate: 15
- Resource Rate: 250
- Defense: 3/10
- Provides the highest resource rate of any building up to this version, and is the first major resource production building to have defenses.
- Added 6 new planet Designs
- Added 6 new planet surfaces
- Added voice-lines.
- Added 6 new soundtracks for fighting enemies
Bug Fixes
There are no bug fixes.This update is to focus on adding content and testing content.
The AI has played a key part in the game’s development. This version would complete the first working alliteration of the AI.
Since there are different variations of ships the player can use, these ships should have different statistics that should stand out from others. Thus, the Battlecuriser and the Battleship will have their own statistics.
To provide an alternative to machine gun fights, guided missiles will added. During all of 2.0’s live updates, each will mark a new testing stage for these missiles. Expect the game to break or mess up during these live updates.
Introducing the first new building to the game: The Port. For those who want to make a large investment for their settlement, this would be for you! Provides a whopping 250 resources per 5 seconds. It’s also the first major resource building with a form of defense against enemies.
Along with some new planet designs and enemies, this will be one of the few massive updates the game will get.
The next update will be the first live test update of building defenses and guided missiles.
- Finished V1 of the AI