This New Ocean - Game Rundown and Open Beta release date
This New Ocean is a game set in space, after the events of World of Conquest, where you, and a small number of crew members are tasked with restarting humanity on a new planet. With Advanced atmospheric and geological equipment, finding such a planet will be easy. Once you have your settlement established, you are responsible for defending and upgrading the settlement to become the best offworld civilization to exist.
- Find a livable planet to settle on
- Upgrade your settlement
- Build, expand and upgrade your settlement’s Military fleet
- Defend your settlement from unknown attackers.
The game will be released in Open Beta tomorrow. Expect a ton of bugs.
Good Luck, Captain!
@the_true_odst The game is gonna be multiplayer, and I need someone to make bots as I would have to make a whole new AI from scratch.
@sirbots I could help, but I might confuse you with all the jumbo I use. Just tell me how to program them and I will look into it
@the_true_odst let me share it with you so you can playtest it. Currently polishing the game. I will make a sprite so you can input the AI code there.
This post is deleted! -
@sirbots Sounds good
(your second post is deleted though and I can’t look at it)btw, what will the AIs do? Find resources, attack player/enemy AIs, etc.?
@the_true_odst Enemy AI attack the player and their bases, and maybe have allied players. I’m about to remove the cloud, its broken.
@the_true_odst Here, I will go ahead and release it today. And Just work on it from there. I will have the patch notes for the first update ready by tomorrow.
This New Ocean is Officially Released.
For Now, the only enemies are other players, but soon bots will be added. the first patch notes have been released!
@sirbots can you send the link?
@sirbots also, is this just world of conquest but in space?
@the_true_odst No. It takes place after the events in World of Conquest. You are just trying to restart humanity on a new planet.
@sirbots I might be able to do the AI thing tomorrow but I am going to turn on Dev Mode on my computer to access Linux and stuff so it might be delayed
I’ve got the movement covered. I’m releasing parts of the AI one at a time.
@sirbots Okay. Is there going to be resource collecting and expanding your base in that game?
@the_true_odst In This New Ocean, yes. The AI won’t however. It’s already out, just check the Update Log for the game to get the link.