Using an AI other than CreatiCode if you can't find what you are looking for
Using Adobe’s image generator really helps, as long as you use specific details it works very well. I am making a card game similar to Exploding Kittens (thank you, Shrukin, for the inspiration), and these cards came out very well.
Thanks you, @011830-0a42ef84
@011830-0a42ef84 I’m gonna be honest I have a strong dislike for using AI “art” so freely and would rather use real art in a game. Even if you can’t draw you could still make something that looks better than that with an image editor and some blending tools. Besides, why not support real artists? Or perhaps learn how to draw well enough that you could be proud of using something you drew as a game asset? I’m just saying, if I were you I’d rather not use AI for something as simple as that, especially because others have adopted this mindset, and some companies have even fired employees because they realized they can get an AI to do that job for them instead. How would you feel (as an adult) if you were happy and working for a company only to get fired because some stupid smart robot took your job. I’m not saying AI is evil or anything, it’s just there are many reasons and times where it would be better if it wasn’t used compared to when it was. I enjoy using ChatGPT blocks for some things, especially when I’m stuck on homework and I need explanations, but I don’t use it to write stuff for me, only very rarely.
And from a similar perspective, in terms of looks, those cards look trash. In the first one, you can see some mistakes in the bottom right, with there being an “I” instead of an upside down “1”, and downwards the cat just has an abnormal space like in the middle where there’s some deformed paw. With the second one, it’s even more trash, the cat looks uncanny and has a butterfly-like pattern underneath it, and if you pay attention closely, the numbers and symbols in the corners are messed up, what even is the top right of the card lol
. I’d also like to mention that the AI image generators can’t give you transparent images, so it’s inconvenient to use for like literally any game, unless it’s a background/landscape or something. AI image generators make many bad mistakes, even when it’s looking visually pleasing one mistake ruins that all, which is something you don’t get with human-made art.
So do what you want with my advice, and imo those cards suck (no offense to you, its to the AI)
Well AI generated images can also look better than what anyone can do, including yours. So your Offensive opinions are your opinions alone, and so you can’t really have a say. I did a suggestion for an optimized art design that can be really helpful for other users and you start treating it like it sucks.Also, it’s not a job-like site. It’s a fun extracurricular activity that can influence the mind of a beginner programmer. Plus, the background isn’t a problem. There is a delete tool to remove it, or fix any issues that the AI has made. I specifically told the AI to make a black background to solve this issue. You can decide whether or not to use AI images, and if people were struggling to use the Creaticode AI, I gave them a good alternative to counteract what might be a limited picture generator.
Edit2: Also, continuing on with the topic of AI, I searched for a good AI generator that can actually match up my definition to make it even better than I wanted. Other sites that use image AI (ones I’ve tried) didn’t match it up well or didn’t meet my standards in the way I wanted it to.
Edit3: With minor editing, the image’s down quality can be reversed entirely
@011830-0a42ef84 I’m just making a suggestion, and AI images most probably will never look as well as anything I could create or draw. I treat it like it sucks because it does suck. I don’t consider coding to be a job, I was using an example of how AI in general is detrimental to some other fun or important activities. Also, AI art (obviously) doesn’t have the soul and human touch in it, like with human art. AI art is just some algorithm fed with a million images and descriptions throwing together some random mediocre image that it thinks people might like or fits the prompt. And it’s cool, but I find it lazy to just use AI art as a substitute for real human made art. There are also like a million other arguments if you search online against it, but I’m telling you my arguments not others. For example, Catty likes to make PFPs for people. But what if you just used an AI pfp instead and said “sorry I’d rather use some robot to make my art than you”. That’s a pretty crummy thing to do to someone, they offer you some sort of art or creative expression for free, and you choose to deny that offer and choose an image made by a human-mimicking AI algorithm instead. Now of course, this is an example, and is different from this situation, but think about it. Why be lazy and use bad game assets when you could make something better with some other online program where you have to put in effort? And even if you are lazy, why not copy other game assets like from Minecraft or something.
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I don’t have the exact words to make a counter-argument; your argument does not make much sense. I’m not saying that I would rather choose AI than people’s creations, but AI images look more fluent and creative than what I or other people may be able to create. They don’t go simplistic, they go in a manner that can “wow” the viewer by using a fluent and flowing method of creating.
@011830-0a42ef84 But the thing is, AI images aren’t creative. You didn’t create it, you just made a prompt which is very easy to do. In fact, AI images are just soulless and non-creative because of how they aren’t human-made and they actually plagarize because of how they take internet images (like a picture of a cat) and some other things, and then mash it up together to follow your prompt. I don’t think anyone but like naive children will go like “wow” whenever they see an AI image.
Like look at this nonsense:
Ik it wasn’t made with Bing or whatever but this is the stuff that comes to mind when I think “AI images” and all of the ones degenerates make of non-existent “beautiful” women. -
@011830-0a42ef84 and random stuff like this too:
@jeffreyrb03-gmail What in the name of the living cat…
@mathew139616-10db496a just Google “AI fails” or “bad AI images”
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yes but AI imagery requires specifics. You can’t just design one sentence and expect it to know what exactly you are talking about. You have to give almost a paragraph of details just to find what you are looking for. If it were me, I’d say AI imagery does help. Helps a lot
Edit1: When I used Adobe, I wrote this to display a card: A card similar to the art style of “Exploding Kittens.” Can this card describe that picture of the card lets you see the first 3 cards in the deck? Please generate this on a black background, with a picture of a kitten on the card
Edit2: sometimes, it thinks I’m meaning poker cards or something similar, so I have to say no letters, numbers, or symbols
@011830-0a42ef84 I know about prompts, I’ve used AI before. Writing a detailed sentence/paragraph isn’t that hard and if it is then maybe you should just draw/make the image you want yourself or study English better. It’s sort of common sense that AI never knows what you’re talking about so it’s common sense to be specific, and it takes very little effort.
How can I enjoy “art” that is created with very little effort, steals from other artists, and isn’t even made by a living creature (except for the part where you write and ask it to make something)?@011830-0a42ef84 said in Using an AI other than CreatiCode if you can't find what you are looking for:
AI images look more fluent and creative than what I or other people may be able to create
I say that’s wrong because there is no creativity, AI images are just multiple internet images used either partially or as a whole (plagiarism) mashed up together to fit your prompt of what you asked the it to make. And the dictionary definition of “fluent” is “(of a person) able to express oneself easily and articulately”. First, AI isn’t a person, and it says “of a person”. Second, the expression part. Art is a form of human expression, and AI “art” can never be art for that reason. AI doesn’t always do it articulately, as I just showed you it makes pretty bad mistakes at times. AI also has a tendency to make things 3D and weird-looking and uncanny, even when you specifically ask for something 2D like anime or cartoony.
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yes, I agree this can happen on multiple types of Image AI, but many sites use different types of AI and each one has its own level of florid or fluentness
@011830-0a42ef84 Once again, it isn’t fluent or creative. And I know that different sites use different AIs and AI models, but the way they all work is they are fed with millions or hundreds of thousands of internet images, taken by photographers, drawn by artists, painted by painters, etc. And they all use that data in their art to some degree (varies by site I suppose), and don’t even credit the people that worked hard and made that art or the cameramen that took a picture. That is stealing/copying, no matter which way you put it.
@jeffreyrb03-gmail But there’s where you are wrong though. You are putting “fluent” and “creative” as fact instead of opinion. You are really just stating what you don’t like just because you think it’s bad. I’m saying the positive influence because of the effects it can have. It can look good, it can look bad.
@011830-0a42ef84 no, I’m using their dictionary definitions, which are fact. I already explained that AI isn’t creative or fluent because it isn’t at all what those words mean and because it just plagiarizes basically. I understand and agree with you that it can also look good, but sometimes I would add to that because a lot of times it contains a mistake or more that even when you ask it again the AI cant fix it or makes another mistake. You are confusing “creative” and “fluent” for visually pleasing/looking good or pretty, since it looks good sometimes and depending on what you wrote. I guess I was biased a bit, but I will acknowledge that it can look good sometimes. But I don’t know about its “positive influence”.
Also sorry for the late response, I took a shower. also goodnight gtg
I found out that adobe Image AI creator has limited searches if you don’t have the upgraded version. Don’t play around with it if you don’t have the upgraded version.
Edit: Canva’s image AI is also a good alternative, yet its AI is limited and the amount of detail text you can add is short. Here is the link:
Note: This is still if you can’t find anything that you prefer on CreatiCode’s image AI.
Edit2: note this site does not fully depict the images you want.
Hi everyone, this is an engaging topic, and it’s great to see a thoughtful and respectful debate from both sides.
From CreatiCode’s perspective, our main goal is to help K-12 students cultivate creativity and logical thinking through coding activities. One common challenge they face is finding or creating quality images that fit the story or game they’re building. Many students struggle with drawing, especially digitally, and often can’t afford professional images online. To address this, we provide AI image tools that allow them to generate or find high-quality backdrops and sprites for their projects.
Additionally, using these tools offers another key benefit: students can hone their AI prompting skills. Generating the perfect image for a project requires giving clear, detailed descriptions and refining prompts based on the results. These skills will be increasingly valuable in a future shaped by AI technology.
There are ongoing philosophical debates about whether AI-generated images infringe on artists’ copyrights or stifle creativity. While we don’t take a definitive stance on this matter, we ensure that all images produced with CreatiCode’s AI tools are fully licensed. Users retain complete copyright over these images, allowing them to use them in their CreatiCode projects without concern.
@info-creaticode Does this mean it is not recommended to use other sites for AI generated images?
If so, what if the match you wanted doesn’t show up on the CreatiCode AI gen site?