WOC Update Log
The Military Info Book: Punchdown
Punchdown is the 2nd of the 4 specials coming to the game, seen on 3 classes: The Assault, Interceptor, and the Combat Medic. Punchdown is a special built around the chaos of frontline combat,(Where both teams are practically on top of each other in the center of the map), capable of eliminating a whole horde of enemies at once. When it’s used, you gather energy from an unknown part of your body. It is then expelled in a huge explosion around you, dealing significant damage and often eliminating enemies caught inside. There is a slight delay after use before the explosion happens, as you gather the energy to perform the special. Be mindful of your timing. Unlike other specials, this one has a modest cooldown time of 55 seconds.
Below is a short video of this special in action with the Interceptor class:
@sirbots That’s fairly low quality ngl.
The Military Info Book: General’s Vitamins
The General’s Vitamins is a special exclusive to the Medic Class. While having no immediate supportive or tactical roles, it gives a boost to one particular mechanic: Passive health regeneration. Not only does it boost your healing, but it does so for your entire team.
Every player in a match regains one HP per 3 seconds, 2 HP per second in a MedBubble, and with General’s Vitamins, 1 HP per 1.6 seconds.
There is no footage for this special, but there it is! The General’s Vitamins for you!
@sirbots Sounds awesome!
Update 4.0 has been released!
The long awaited Specials have arrived. Everyone is now able to use the new technology that has been kept secret (Not really), for so long.
You’ve got the reload booster to instantly reload your weapon, and reload it faster when you need it!
You’ve got the Punch down to prevent enemies from rushing you position with a large supersonic explosion
You’ve got the Big Bubbler, to be able to hold ground and protect your teammates!
And You’ve got the General’s Vitamins, to increase your team’s vitality!
We have also added a reload mechanic, not only to make some weapon Classes less powerful, but to further enhance the game + other reasons.
Along with some changes to AI and a bug fix or two, this concludes the major content updates for World Of Conquest.
The next update will focus on balance changes and Bug fixes from long term battle analytical and observation data.
Update 4.5 - Balance and Bug Fixes
Release: March 19, 2025
This update is rather rushed due to the current state of unbalance and some major bugs caused by the previous update:
What’s new:
- The AI will now spawn sporadically instead of all at once at the start of a match
- Eliminated Bots in Realistic Battles now despawn faster than normal by approx. 33%
The following Specials have received statistical changes:
Big Bubbler
- Increased HP by approximately 16% (700 to 800 HP)
- Because of this change, the shield now fades less as more damage is taken.
- Reduced the overall damage taken by enemies by approximately 100% (100% of contact and bullet damage to 50% of contact and bullet damage)
- Slightly increased transparency
- Increased the size of the shield by approx. 7%
Reload Booster
- Stops the reload time of the weapon when it is used while reloading.
General’s Vitamins
- Reduced reload time by approx. 5 seconds
- Increased rate of health healed by approx. 12% (1.6 to 1.2)
- Increased explosion size by 14%
- Reduced the time between the explosion and hitting the key-bind to activate the special by approx. 20%
Weapon Classes
The following weapon classes have received statistical changes:Combat Medic
- Increased magazine capacity by 10% (20 rounds to 22 rounds)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where Special cooldown timer would enter the negatives when in the Results screen
- Fixed a bug where Reload Booster’s reduced reload time effect would not occur until after the weapon reloaded twice at normal reloading speeds when used
- Fixed a bug causing the Reload Booster to reset the weapon reload time, and start over at the reduced time if the weapon was actively reloading.
- Fixed a bug where the Player Counter for the player’s team would not reset between matches in Realistic Battles, making elimination victories for the enemy team impossible.
- Fixed a bug where repetitively pressing the X key would pull up the buttons of the main menu, causing severe lag after a while.
This update is to fix major unbalances with specials, primarily the Bug Bubbler, some AI adjustments, and major bug fixes.
The AI always spawned at once when a match starts. For lower end devices, this could cause a huge spike in lag, and in some cases, a full game crash. In terms of battles, it was very dangerous for players to survive on the Frontlines without being caught in the crossfire whilst not being close enough to be actively targeted by an enemy. Thus, the AI will now sporadically spawn instead of all at once.
Furthermore, dead bots in Realistic Battle Matches would cause a problem for a while as dead bots could damage other players when they are still dead. While there is nothing to permanently fix this, the despawn time has been reduced as a temporary fix.
The Big Bubbler was a special that was not tested as much as others while under development. As a result, there were a lot of problems that were noticed when it went under battle trials after release. The special would end very early, especially when there are multiple enemies shooting at or inside the bubble, and would take damage at very high rates. Thus, the special has received an HP buff, a damage reduction buff, and a size buff.
The Reload Booster was somewhat in a good spot when released, other than some major bugs. Those bugs have been fixed.
General’s Vitamins are in a similar spot as well, but could be tweaked to make them more useful. As a result, this has happened. The same has happened with Punchdown.
Lastly, some major bugs were fixed regarding Specials.
@sirbots Update is about halfway done, just need to make sure no other bugs exist. Might release on the 17th if all goes well.
Additional changes made during development of 4.5:
Release date has not changed.- Repositioned the location of the Special cooldown timer so it no longer clips off screen
- Reset the magazine size of the Combat Medic, and instead increased it’s damage by approx. 14% (27 to 29)
- Further reduced the rate of transparency of the Big Bubbler when it takes damage.
Update 4.5 is released:
Additional changes made will be pushed towards 4.6.
Enjoy some QOL (Quality of Life) changes with the AI, including easier fighting on the frontlines with more stretched out spawning and faster despawing times in realistic battles. Furthermore, enjoy a stronger, more resilient, Big Bubbler, and a slew of bug fixes.
The next update will focus on changes from long-term analysis of battle data, and nerfing some qualities of weapons. Patch Notes of 4.6 will be released Wednesday
Update 4.6 - Bug fix and Balance Patch
Release date: TBA
What’s new:
Weapon Classes
The following weapon classes have received statistical changes:Assault
- Increased reload time by approximately 6%
- Reduced the interval to fire another shot after shooting by about 5%
Big Bubbler
- Reduced the rate of transparency when taking damage by approximately 24%
- Increased health by approximately 20% (800 to 960)
- Reduced the speed at which the explosion expands when used by about 9% and reduced the travel distance.
Reload Booster
- Increased cooldown time by 10 seconds.
Sub Weapons
The following sub-weapons have received statistical changes:Poison Gas
- Slightly reduced the amount of gas particles released and reduced the duration.
- The speed at which gas is released when used remains unchanged
- In Korsun, removed a rock on the British side that was overlapping with another rock, which was causing incorrect collision detection.
- In Iberain Castle, fixed a collision bug on the German side of the C point that prevented bullets from being shot even though a player was not in contact with the wall at the time
Bug fixes
- Reverted the bug causing the weapon to still reload after using the reload booster, as this caused more problems than normal.
- This fixes a bug where the weapons on all classes would not reload if Reload Booster was used in the previous match unless another Reload Booster was used.
This update focuses on lowering the attributes of some Specials and Sub-weapons, while fixing some Map issues and Bugs.
With some recent buffs made to the Assault class in previous updates, it has become increasingly powerful. Given that the class is built around versatility, should it be used well, can often be abused to make decisive victories in matches. Thus, a slight increase has been made to it’s reload time to limit the Assault’s firepower, whilst keeping it’s high versatility.
The Support class, hence it’s name, is built to solely support the team. However, its modest damage output, along with a high fire rate, makes it more of an offensive class than a supportive class. Thus, a slight rate-of-fire reduction has been done.
Big Bubbler’s increased utility in the previous update, while huge, still was not enough for it to be of any considerable use for a while. The bubble would still take extreme amounts of damage, and end early. Thus, it has gotten another HP increase. It’s rate of transparency has also been reduced to fix a bug making the special appear to have ended, even though in the code, it was still technically active.
After some battle trials with the Punchdown after the previous update, it again could be abused for decisive victories given how much ground it can cover. While this was buffed in the previous update, it was rather too much. Now, of that 11% increased size in the previous update, it is now 3%. This was done by reducing how fast the explosion expands.
Reload Booster pairs really well with the Marksman class, as the Marksman’s role is solely to take out enemy targets. A nerf has been done to the Reload Booster to make the game harder for those playing the class.
Poison Gas is an offensive sub-weapon designed for crowd control. While it has gotten a damage nerf in an older update, it’s still very effective, and again, can be abused. It has now been given a slight duration nerf.
These nerfs serve as a benchmark for further reductions in weapon performance to balance out the game’s AI in the future.
The next update will focus on weapon nerfs, and changes based on long term analytical data.
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Can you give me feedback about my game? It’s almost finished, and I want to know if there is anything you might think might need to be changed before I stop working on it due to finals.
@sirbots I’ll play it within today or tommorow and let you know what I think. It seems very detailed from the patch notes and it looks like you put a lot of effort into the game, so I’ll make sure to play it.
Update 4.7 - Mechanic and Balance patch
What’s New:
- Added 2 new backgrounds to the background rotation in the Main Menu.
- Changed the Title Screen
General Mechanics
- Reduced the size of the faded outline of the bullets fired and reduced the hitbox size.
- This is to fix several collision issues, and to adjust how players should aim when shooting
- Added a dispersion mechanic. Certain weapon classes will now have a set accuracy.
- Slightly made the faded color outline of the bullets fired smaller and reduced the hitbox size.
- Slightly increased bullet dispersion when shooting whilst moving.
- For the Enemy AI, slightly tightened bullet dispersion when shooting at the player
Weapon Classes
- Reduced Damage from 60 to 56
- Increased the interval between shots fired by approx. 17% (1.5 to 1.8 seconds)
- Increased damage from 19 to 20
- Increased reload time by approx. 13%
Big Bubbler
- Extended the duration of the shield by approx. 1 second.
- Made the explosion much more visible.
- This does not affect the explosion hitbox detection based on the ghost effect levels of the shield while expanding.
Other Changes
- Readjusted the collision mapping of Korsun so that it is no longer misaligned with the map visuals.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug making the Big Bubbler only register one enemy damaging it at a time, and not adjust how much damage it takes from having multiple enemies on top of it at any given time.
Update 4.6 drops tomorrow!
@sirbots I really enjoyed your game! I tried a round and it’s awesome! It brought back nostalgia of gun games I used to play when I was little. I played a round of “Conquest” and I have to say, you are an awesome project maker. Conquest kinda reminds me of Points and Capture the Flag gamemodes in Pixel Gun 3D. The bots are awesome, and I’m suprised at how well they work. I can kinda sneak up behind them and shoot them but a lot of times they do kill me. I noticed 3 bugs though, you can leave the map a tiny bit beyond the map walls:
I feel like the maps could use more collision detection for at least stuff like bushes and walls so you can’t go through them.
there’s also a spelling mistake (“Defualt” should be “Default”), and the Interceptor and Anchor role buttons kind of are on the “Squadmate 3” button.The game has nice music, and the loading screen with loading tips is just icing on the cake.
You’ve made a pretty nice game. I like it! -
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Thx! I don’t have the collision stop you from moving as the AI would break if it’s applied to them. So, to keep things fair, it only applies to bullets. I might add a way to stop ppl from going off the map. (Also, for more chaotic battles, you can change the player count in the main menu.)
@sirbots You could do what I did and set an “if” statement to a certain position and teleport them back to the border if they cross it.
Edit: If there are different map sizes you could make many border lines for each map
Made a quick change to 4.6:
- Removed 4 battle songs, and replaced 3 of them. Enjoy!
@sirbots I kinda liked the last music (from 4.5), I hope the changes aren’t too different
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Just some more adrenaline pumping songs.
4.6 and 4.7 are released!
4.8 Patch notes tomorrow.
Update 4.8 - General Update
Release date: March 15
What’s New:
- Fixed the location of the Special Cooldown Timer
- Re-positioned the Locations of certain buttons in the Class Selection screen, and reduced the size of some of those re-positioned buttons.
- Added Airstrikes
- Occurs periodically, dropping up to 8 explosives in the designated drop zone.
- Occurs less in Realistic Battles
- Players now take damage if they move off the map.
Weapon Classes
Combat Medic
- Reduced the firing sound volume
Bug Fixes
- There are no bug fixes this update
@the_true_odst No, its not. If it calls for, I can nerf it in later updates. Why?
@sirbots If it’s not controllable, it might be annoying to randomly die because of an airstrike
@the_true_odst You have about 10 seconds to leave the drop zone before the bombs drop. Damage wise, they do about 15-35 damage per second as a placeholder.