Now, I know CreatiCode is fetching a lot of errors right now within the website, but I just want to know, how do you get score on a profile (ex: Score: 1)?
Hello! I'm JD, I like coding in Luau, Lua, Javascript, Python, and, Block coding!
Best posts made by JD131111
Score (on profiles)
RE: Current error with accessing the website
Yeah, I’m also having trouble connecting, while trying to make a project, I thought that I had my account banned or my IP banned, hopefully it’s just a error in the code with a recent JS or CSS update :P
RE: Score (on profiles)
@catty On the real Creaticode website, on a users profile, theres a score, mine is 2 last I checked.
RE: Current error with accessing the website
@catty Yes, that is the current issue, when accessing any part apart from home (home works fine, the login on the right says you’re logged out though) it just dosent want to load correctly.
RE: Duck Clicker
By the way, I had no intent on making low quality mode… well… do, whatever that is…
RE: I need help with my chatting system
@s9205307-810c679a I’d recommend sending the project so that if an admin try’s to help, they wont have to ask for the project so they can remix and find the issue
RE: Current error with accessing the website
@catty When I try accessing, all I see is this:
(explore tab)
(accessing profile) -
Duck Clicker
Whatever you do, don’t click on Low Quality mode…
like actually, don’t, if you have epilepsy, just don’t.
I'm making a game, send feedback about it :D
Hello! I’m making a project, I’d like some peoples feedback about it
Also, is it okay if I add alcohol to it? I’m not using it in a way where you drink or take it, but that you get rid of it… In… Outer space…???
KNOWN BUGS: players lasers move with the after players rotation, fire from the buttom of the ship also does not rotate correctly, players rotation has a chance to flip completely upside down, making all rotating objects break.
Latest posts made by JD131111
RE: How do I make a 2d game that's multiplayer?
@tyller_ How do I make a clone of the players model and make it go to the position of where the seconds player client, send it to the server, then send it to the first players client, updating the position?
(also, how do I make the players model appear on clients?)
RE: How do I make a 2d game that's multiplayer?
@tyller_ Okay, thank you i’ll try learning how to use it, if I need help, I’ll just comment on the forum about it
How do I make a 2d game that's multiplayer?
As the title states, how do I make a 2d game that’s multiplayer? i’m trying to make my game have clones of the players that will act as other players.
RE: I need help with my chatting system
@s9205307-810c679a I could be wrong, but is this the game?
RE: Duck Clicker
By the way, I had no intent on making low quality mode… well… do, whatever that is…
Duck Clicker
Whatever you do, don’t click on Low Quality mode…
like actually, don’t, if you have epilepsy, just don’t.
RE: I need help with my chatting system
@s9205307-810c679a I’d recommend sending the project so that if an admin try’s to help, they wont have to ask for the project so they can remix and find the issue
RE: I'm making a game, send feedback about it :D
@catty Alright, thank you for commenting about what I can use, and what I can’t I just wanted to confirm before publishing a project that breaks the rules, my idea with this project is to get rid of root beer now… in… outer space…???