WOC Update Log
@sirbots Already did, check options
Unless you mean rotation-wise
@011830-0a42ef84 K, well, I don’t really know then.
@011830-0a42ef84 Yeah, rotation wise.
@sirbots Do you mean rotation or movement
@011830-0a42ef84 Its how your person moves based on the mouse and key movement. It’s funky.
@sirbots Yes, there are 2 options for that. You can either choose “move with mouse,” which means the W key moves the player toward the mouse pointer, or “move without mouse,” which means the W key moves the player up.
@sirbots said in WOC Update Log:
Reduced the intensity of the red screen when the player is below 30 health by approx. 45%
This is good, and this makes the game a bit more accessible to those with seizures or other conditions. I recommend reading https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/Seizure_disorders for more info. It talks about accessibility mainly for websites, but this also can apply to web games. This part: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/Seizure_disorders#flashing_flashing_red tells you about how flashing red affects people with those conditions. I’m also not saying you have to make your game 100% epilepsy-friendly, but I am saying that it’s a good idea you thought of that. I do recommend adding options for reduced flashing or other fast screen effects so that the user can enable/disable them or even use a slider to control just how much flashing is there.
Some issues with development has resulted in a pushback of the update release. I planned on releasing it today, but this is not going to happen. At the quickest, tomorrow. But likely this weekend.
Here is a detailed overview of the changes to the game for the pt.1 update:
The allied player’s AI was not given the new player counting system that the enemies received in the 2.23 update, as it appeared to work just fine. But there would be times where Realistic Battle matches would not end if the Player and their entire team was still dead. Thus, the counting system was added to their AI to fix this issue.
Furthermore, AI Interceptors on both teams would move slower than intended if they were not positioning to shoot (Moving in a loop at a slow speed before shooting), non-interceptor classes moving at interceptor speeds when not positioning, and vice versa. This issue has been fixed.
Continuing with Realistic battle changes, a quality of life change was made to the spectating screen. The border was made transparent so the player can roughly see where other players are located on the map.
After some battle trials, an 8th and final class was drawn up and made. The Medic class is a highly supportive class with some modest, or in some cases, great sniping capabilities with its high damage output of 60 damage a shot. But lacks any proper fighting capabilities when dealing with close-quarter combat overall, mostly noticeable when fighting with multiple enemies at once. As a result, for those who want to be able to quickly heal their team, and be able to fight on the frontlines, the Combat Medic class was added. This class combines the fighting capabilities of the Assault class and the Medic class. The trade offs are poor damage-per-bullet output, lack of an offensive sub-weapon for Frontline combat, and when Specials are released, lack of a supportive Special.
For UI changes, fixed the Scout’s name in the class selection to make the internal name in the code match the actual UI.
For when the Map and Gamemode information is revealed, a transparent background was added behind the text to fix color conflicts with the map and text color. Furthermore, fixed positioning of the text of the gamemode information to give it a more polished appearance.
For the game’s final map for a while, a new, almost fully indoor map was added: Iberian Castle. This map was built around sniping along the A and C objective point locations, and an open, outdoor center for Assault and other frontline fighting classes.
In terms of bug fixes, not much was done other than fixing the use of sub-weapons when not in a match.
Patch notes of the Pt.2 update will be released around the same time the Pt.1 update rolls out.
Well, good news, I got the issues fixed faster than expected. So, the update is out! Patch notes for Pt.2 will be ready soon!
Update 4.0 - A Very Special Specialty Pt.2 - Content Update and Bug fixes
Release: When finished
What’s new:
Weapon Classes
Added 4 Special weapons:Punchdown
When used, you become flooded with a sudden burst of energy, it is then expelled by explosion, dealing significant damage to enemies in the radius
Statistics:- Special cooldown: 55 Seconds
- Damage: 15 to 45 per 0.5 seconds
- Duration: 1 second
Reload Booster
Instantly reloads the magazine and reduces weapon reload time by 45% for a short duration afterwards- Reloads the weapon magazine if it’s not full
- Reduces weapon reload time for the duration
- Duration: 25 seconds
- Cooldown: 65 seconds
General’s Vitamins
Greatly increases passive health regeneration for the entire team. ( Can be used by AI)- Effect: Increases passive health regeneration by 45%
- Duration: 20 seconds
- Cooldown: 45%
Big Bubbler
A toolbox sized device filled with advanced technologies which employs a large, spherical shield that prevents foreign made ammunition from ever existing inside of the shield. Can’t stop adversaries from going inside, however. (Can be used by AI)- Effect: A shield that stops enemy gunfire from going inside and prevents enemies from shooting inside the shield. Does not prevent enemies themselves from entering. The Special can end early if the shield sustains too much damage, or enemies remain inside of it for long enough.
- Health: 700
- Duration: 15 seconds
- Cooldown: 35 seconds
The following weapon classes have received changes to their armament:
- Can now use the Big Bubble Special
- Now has a reload time of 2.5 seconds
- Can now use the Punchdown Special
- Now has a reload time of 1.7 seconds
- Can now use the General’s Vitamins Special
- Now has a reload time of 3.1 seconds
Combat Medic
- Can now use the Punchdown Special
- Now has a reload time of 2.3 seconds
- Lowered firing sound volume
- Can now use the Big Bubbler Special
- Now has a reload time of 3.5 seconds
- Can now use the PunchDown Special
- Now has a reload time of 1.4 seconds
- Can Now use the Reload Booster
- Has a reload time of 6 seconds
- Can now use the Reload Booster
- Now has a reload time of 4.5 seconds
Game Mechanics
- Added a new mechanic: Reload Time
- Added some rocks and trees to the center of the map in Iberian Castle
Bug Fixes
Bugs caused by previous update- Fixed a bug causing incorrect counting of each class the enemies are using
- Fixed a bug causing the incorrect count to cause players to be remaining when a match ends after an elimination victory
- Fixed a bug where not all of the UI for viewing enemy player class numbers would disappear if the menu was on screen when the match ended.
@sirbots You could add like a realistic mode, along with (in match settings) changing health, damage, bot weapon layouts, maps, round timer, gamemode, # of bots, killstreak/scorestreak, multiplayer, missions, zombies, etc. (I’ll try to think of more later)
@the_true_odst Realistic Battles already exists, and choosing the # of bots on both teams also exists in the Main Menu. Just look in the bottom right corner. Also most of everything you’ve said is already added. A story mode might be made on a separate project.
@sirbots I tried playing it and then my entire computer just froze.
@the_true_odst Try reloading it. It’s a rather big game. Works for me after reloading.
@sirbots That wouldn’t work, I couldn’t do anything (switch tabs, move the mouse, type, enter shortcut keys other than the automatic computer turn off)
@the_true_odst Huh. I have that same issue. (I use a rather expensive Chromebook for most of my coding. I have that issue frequently. Try not have to have too much tabs open.) It uses about 1.7 GB of Memory, for why I don’t know.
Update for part 2!
The update is almost finished, and I am able to provide an exact release date: March 11!
Stay tuned, and happy fighting!
The Military Info Book: Reload Booster
The Reload Booster is one of 4 Specials coming to the game, seen on 2 classes: The Anchor and the Marksman. The Reload Booster does practically what it says: Reloads your weapon and reduces the reload time temporarily. It’s great when you are in a pinch, as it gives you more firepower instantly. Albeit, the cooldown between uses is rather lengthy.
Below are some very short videos of this Special in action. Note, The Specials will be rather buggy on release (As seen when its used), but will be fixed later on. The class used for this example is the Marksman on the Iberian Castle Map:
When Special is not in use:
When the Special is in use (Reload time is 4.5 seconds instead of 6):
Remember to use it wisely, it might save you when you do.
The Military Info Book: Punchdown
Punchdown is the 2nd of the 4 specials coming to the game, seen on 3 classes: The Assault, Interceptor, and the Combat Medic. Punchdown is a special built around the chaos of frontline combat,(Where both teams are practically on top of each other in the center of the map), capable of eliminating a whole horde of enemies at once. When it’s used, you gather energy from an unknown part of your body. It is then expelled in a huge explosion around you, dealing significant damage and often eliminating enemies caught inside. There is a slight delay after use before the explosion happens, as you gather the energy to perform the special. Be mindful of your timing. Unlike other specials, this one has a modest cooldown time of 55 seconds.
Below is a short video of this special in action with the Interceptor class:
@sirbots That’s fairly low quality ngl.
The Military Info Book: General’s Vitamins
The General’s Vitamins is a special exclusive to the Medic Class. While having no immediate supportive or tactical roles, it gives a boost to one particular mechanic: Passive health regeneration. Not only does it boost your healing, but it does so for your entire team.
Every player in a match regains one HP per 3 seconds, 2 HP per second in a MedBubble, and with General’s Vitamins, 1 HP per 1.6 seconds.
There is no footage for this special, but there it is! The General’s Vitamins for you!
@sirbots Sounds awesome!
Update 4.0 has been released!
The long awaited Specials have arrived. Everyone is now able to use the new technology that has been kept secret (Not really), for so long.
You’ve got the reload booster to instantly reload your weapon, and reload it faster when you need it!
You’ve got the Punch down to prevent enemies from rushing you position with a large supersonic explosion
You’ve got the Big Bubbler, to be able to hold ground and protect your teammates!
And You’ve got the General’s Vitamins, to increase your team’s vitality!
We have also added a reload mechanic, not only to make some weapon Classes less powerful, but to further enhance the game + other reasons.
Along with some changes to AI and a bug fix or two, this concludes the major content updates for World Of Conquest.
The next update will focus on balance changes and Bug fixes from long term battle analytical and observation data.
Update 4.5 - Balance and Bug Fixes
Release: March 19, 2025
This update is rather rushed due to the current state of unbalance and some major bugs caused by the previous update:
What’s new:
- The AI will now spawn sporadically instead of all at once at the start of a match
- Eliminated Bots in Realistic Battles now despawn faster than normal by approx. 33%
The following Specials have received statistical changes:
Big Bubbler
- Increased HP by approximately 16% (700 to 800 HP)
- Because of this change, the shield now fades less as more damage is taken.
- Reduced the overall damage taken by enemies by approximately 100% (100% of contact and bullet damage to 50% of contact and bullet damage)
- Slightly increased transparency
- Increased the size of the shield by approx. 7%
Reload Booster
- Stops the reload time of the weapon when it is used while reloading.
General’s Vitamins
- Reduced reload time by approx. 5 seconds
- Increased rate of health healed by approx. 12% (1.6 to 1.2)
- Increased explosion size by 14%
- Reduced the time between the explosion and hitting the key-bind to activate the special by approx. 20%
Weapon Classes
The following weapon classes have received statistical changes:Combat Medic
- Increased magazine capacity by 10% (20 rounds to 22 rounds)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where Special cooldown timer would enter the negatives when in the Results screen
- Fixed a bug where Reload Booster’s reduced reload time effect would not occur until after the weapon reloaded twice at normal reloading speeds when used
- Fixed a bug causing the Reload Booster to reset the weapon reload time, and start over at the reduced time if the weapon was actively reloading.
- Fixed a bug where the Player Counter for the player’s team would not reset between matches in Realistic Battles, making elimination victories for the enemy team impossible.
- Fixed a bug where repetitively pressing the X key would pull up the buttons of the main menu, causing severe lag after a while.
This update is to fix major unbalances with specials, primarily the Bug Bubbler, some AI adjustments, and major bug fixes.
The AI always spawned at once when a match starts. For lower end devices, this could cause a huge spike in lag, and in some cases, a full game crash. In terms of battles, it was very dangerous for players to survive on the Frontlines without being caught in the crossfire whilst not being close enough to be actively targeted by an enemy. Thus, the AI will now sporadically spawn instead of all at once.
Furthermore, dead bots in Realistic Battle Matches would cause a problem for a while as dead bots could damage other players when they are still dead. While there is nothing to permanently fix this, the despawn time has been reduced as a temporary fix.
The Big Bubbler was a special that was not tested as much as others while under development. As a result, there were a lot of problems that were noticed when it went under battle trials after release. The special would end very early, especially when there are multiple enemies shooting at or inside the bubble, and would take damage at very high rates. Thus, the special has received an HP buff, a damage reduction buff, and a size buff.
The Reload Booster was somewhat in a good spot when released, other than some major bugs. Those bugs have been fixed.
General’s Vitamins are in a similar spot as well, but could be tweaked to make them more useful. As a result, this has happened. The same has happened with Punchdown.
Lastly, some major bugs were fixed regarding Specials.
@sirbots Update is about halfway done, just need to make sure no other bugs exist. Might release on the 17th if all goes well.