WOC Update Log
Update 2.15 - Upscaled Conflicts
Update Type: Major Content Update
Release date - Between Friday to Next Week
What’s New:
Game modes
- Added the option to play in 50v50 Battles
- Restricted to Realistic Battles only. Planning on adding them to non-realistic battles in the future.
- Added Voicelines. The language of the voicelines is tied to player’s faction: German for the German team, and English for the British team.
- Added a new map: Normandy
- The AI will no longer attack the previous locations of dead players in Realistic Battles.
- The AI will shoot a set number of bullets based on their class.
- Marksman - 2 to 4 rounds
- Scout - 3 to 6 rounds
- Anchor - 20 to 36 rounds
- Interceptor - 9 to 14 rounds
- Medic - 7 to 10 rounds
- Support - 19 to 24 rounds
- Assault - 15 to 21 rounds
- The spectating screen now disappears when the match ends.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug causing rounds to clip into the MedBubble sub-weapon before being deflected.
- Added the option to play in 50v50 Battles
@sirbots Nice
Hello! This subcategory is for showcasing projects. Please file these updates on the original topic of the game as edits.
Upcoming 1.122 Update:
The following is the upcoming changes to the game when Pt.2 of the UI update releases. Fixing Deathmatch is taking longer than expected.
Below are the changes:
Visual and Audio Changes
- Further UI changes made: Changes to Game Results and Game Selections
- Edited the victory music
- Reduced the size of Airships by approx 75%
Weapon Changes:
- Changed the Magazine size from 25 to 30
- Increased rate of fire by approx 47% (1 round per 0.19 seconds to 0.1 seconds)
- Increased damage by approx. 12% (35 to 38)
- Increased rate of fire by approx. 38% (3.39 to 2 seconds approx.)
- Reduced spread of bullets by roughly 5%
- Reduced rate of fire by approx. 10% (0.9 seconds to 1 second)
- Increased damage from 54 to 56
Sub-weapon changes:
- Reduced min. and max. damage from 45 and 70, to 15 and 45 respectively
- No longer kills enemies from across the map when the grenade explodes on the edge of the screen.
Poison Gas:
- Reduced min. and max. damage from 45 and 70, to 15 and 45 respectively
- No longer kills enemies from across the map when the Poison Gas explodes on the edge of the screen.
- Reduced the rate of healing from 1 HP per 0.5 seconds to 1 HP per 1 second
- The MedBubble now deflects enemy bullets.
- The MedBubble now has HP. Should it take too much damage, it will disappear, and rendered unusable until you respawn as the Medic class.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the message when the player scores a kill would be obstructed under the roofing of buildings
- Fixed Deathmatch rounds not ending when either team had achieved the required elimination count.
- Fixed a bug where the objectives would appear on top of buildings. Parts of the objectives will now be hidden if they are partly inside buildings.
- Fixed a bug where the border around the screen would disappear when the victory/defeat message would appear on screen
- Fixed a bug where respawning while the defeat/victory message would cause the UI to reappear, and overlap with the results screen.
This update is targeted for balancing classes, fixing game breaking bugs, making quality-of-life, visual, and UI changes.
Assault has received a lot of buffs due to the weapon being mildly undertuned to what it could be. Assault is a very versatile class, and so its statistics should be adjusted to further allow it to be versatile.
Medic and Scout have received balancing to make both of the weapons more usable.
Grenades and Poison Gas both had bugs where they could kill enemies from across the map when it exploded on the edge of the screen. Furthermore, they would kill enemies almost instantly. This would make every game in the player’s favor, primarily in Deathmatch. This bug has been fixed, and both sub-weapons have received adjustments to reduce it’s mass-elimination potential.
MedBubble’s role is to heal the player and their teammates. But it does not provide much use beside that. Now, it is able to reflect bullets, but its healing potential is reduced as a result.
The bug fixes are to fix visual and some groundbreaking bugs with intent to polish the game.
This update will be released sometime this week to next week. The next update will be focused on adding weather mechanics, a new map, and bug fixes.
The Update is out, however, Deathmach is unfixable, and thus removed. Will be replaced by a new gamemode in the future.
Updates will continue as normal.
A little teaser of one of the first few new classes (What will be said in official update notes)
This class is purely designed for staying in the back of the fight, providing excellent support for their team. Equipped with the PKM, this weapon carries a whopping 100 rounds a magazine! While damage is not the best in the world, it boasts a remarkable rate of fire. That’s not all, it also comes with the Grenade to fend off targets in close-quarter combat, and has one of the first few “Special weapons”: ||The Bubbler - A big spherical shield which prevents any enemy rounds from entering the space encased in the shield, but does not prevent enemies themselves from entering||. With a great weapon, great load out, your team can rely on you for cover when they need to retreat. -
@sirbots This is awesome and all, but please make sure to post in the right categories in order to keep this forum organized, as it is kinda stressing Catty out.
He’s right. It is stressing me out. Please just post these updates on the project itself and not the forums. That would make things easier. -
@catty Alright. Thx for letting me know. Sorry if its causing any stress.
@sirbots You’re good. Thank’s for clearing the situation.
@catty Could I just only edit the actual post for updates, or does this solely have to be on the note section of the game? (Just clarifying. I’m about to release an update soon.)
You can make edits to the original post where you advertised the game. That could work, right? -
@catty Yes. That’s what I’m asking about. However, if I even reply to a post (For example, this message), I have to wait a whole hour before editing the main post.
That’s weird. I don’t think it should be like that.I recommend reporting this in Help.
The New Deathmatch gamemode, Realistc Battles has inherited some Deathmatch concepts (Winning when enough players are killed, etc) with a twist: Everyone has one life. No respawns, no Class Changes. Choose your class wisely.
This gamemode has 2 gamemodes inside of it: Conquest and Frontlines.
So, compared to other gamemodes, what changes in this?
- All players on both teams has one life.
- This means that players will be unable to change their class at all during a match.
- Gamemodes are restricted to Conquest and Frontlines for compatibility reasons.
- In addition to gamemode-specific victory conditions, the match will end if one team has no active players at ANY point in a match.
- When you die, you will spectate the match instead of respawning.
Think you have the skill to survive with just one life? Give Realistic Battles a go!
Forgot to mention, the next update will focus on Balancing based on long-term analytical data from battles, bug fixes, and community feedback
- All players on both teams has one life.
New patch notes are out! Give them a look as this will be a major content update
@sirbots Hey could you look at my test room to find a fix to my problem with my game? (you might wanna go to the original bot Test Ver. 0.9 to test the game though)
The problem is the second bot will not move occasionally
Here is the test room:
Here is the actual 0.9 version:
@011830-0a42ef84 Yeah, I can give it a shot. Been busy lately with school and troubleshooting various bot targeting methods.
The 2.17 update Upscaled Conflicts has been released.
50vs50 battles are currently limited to Realistic Battles for testing and long-term performance reasons, but its still chaotic! At least your Commander will be telling you where your team is at in terms of victory. As an added bonus, he will give you an update on your progress to victory based on enemies remaining during Realistic Battles as well! Also, he speaks in German for the German team, and English for the British Team.
Also, the first “Historical-Built” map has been added: Normandy! The British team will be storming up the beach, while the Germans work to stop them! On the mainland, you have various houses to utilize for making strategic attacks.
(Tip: The B objective is fully inside the center building. Capture it, and victory should be yours)Not mentioned in the patch notes, but a new battle song has been added. Be reminded, this song will get your morale up!
The next update will be a balance patch, bug fixes targeted at bugs for this update, and some map reworks. Lastly, I am making a project holding every soundtrack in the game at this point, releasing next month!
Feel free to drop any bugs you have spotted and suggestions in the feedback form post!
@sirbots I believe I have fixed the second bot, although you can look through my code to see if anything is wrong or buggy.
@011830-0a42ef84 I’m going to mention something, the clone system I had should work but I think I know a way to fix it and not make broadcasts conflict, though there’s a chance it could be a bit hard to understand, tell me if you want to try to implement it and make it in a readable way
@tyller_ That sounds good, after I stabilize everything in my test room I will let you implement it. Is that okay with you?
@011830-0a42ef84 yeah, my idea is to use a list queue for broadcasts, the issue with my method is that the broadcasts call a bunch, so those variable parameters get called within the same frame and out of order, thus leading to the arbitrary order of what clone takes priority (this is called a race condition). I am actively very much debating how it would work, but I think the general idea I have is listed below:
- A list named “action queue” that is added to each time a sprite wants to broadcast something
- it adds formatted text to the list, in the format of “{clone id}|{broadcast}” (This works because my method only broadcasts what clone/ai the sensors are for, if other broadcast parameters were added it would need to slightly change)
- it then broadcasts the actual broadcast (no parameter cus that stuff is now in queue since parameters cause race conditions)
- the actual ai clone would now start handling stuff (before it was the sensor doing stuff), when it receives a broadcast it checks the queue list to determine if it was queued for that broadcast
- if it finds its id for that broadcast, so “{clone id}|{broadcast}”, it will run the code for that broadcast
Here’s an example for the 5th clone (so clone id is 5 or “ai&5” but their interchangeable so it doesnt matter which way I decide to handle the clones) handling the broadcast “behind player”:
- the sensor detects the player and needs to broadcast “behind player”
- It adds “5|behind player” to the “action queue” list
- It broadcasts “behind player”
- All the clones of the bot receive “behind player”
- They check if the broadcast is for them or if they have a broadcast queued since it could be trying to handle multiple broadcasts in the same frame, they do this by checking if “action queue” contains the result of joining their clone id and “|behind player” (so join(clone id)(|behind player) in the editor)
- If that broadcast is for them (or they have one queued) then they do what they do for the “behind player” broadcast
- They delete that line from “action queue” with teh delete value of list block
If this doesnt make sense I can try an example, I jsut wanted to list out my thought process
@tyller_ Here is the testing room link:
Everything should work smoothly. There still might be occasional bugs, mostly consisting of the second bot (the second bot is annoying, I might nerf his attacks stats from 1 dmg 0.5 dmg. -
Update 2.18 - Balance Patch/Adjustment Update
Release Date: February 26st, 2025
What’s New:
The AI has received adjustments to the following actions:- The AI will now occasionally shoot in very small bursts while are moving
- The amount of bullets fired is less than when standing still
- Adjusted the range of rounds fired for the Anchor by 23% (24 to 30 to 26 to 40)
- The forward movement speed of Interceptors while they are not getting into position to shoot has been roughly doubled.
- Changed the first voiceline played at 250 points earned or there are 5/6 of the total players on one team.
- Increased the general interval between voicelines by 100%
- Capture Points can no longer be contested in non-realistic battle matches.
- Reduced the time to capture an uncontested enemy point directly by approximately 50% (3 seconds to 1.5 seconds)
- The screen for when the match is being prepared will now show up as one of 4 backgrounds instead of one. The text indicating that the match is being prepared has been moved and received some polishing.
- Added Tips.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the point counter to stay on screen when a match ends.
*Fixed a bug causing the player to “kill” an enemy with a grenade or poison gas while the aforementioned bot was still dead. - Fixed a bug causing the AI to shoot at other teammates constantly.
- The AI will now occasionally shoot in very small bursts while are moving
Made some last minute changes to the final draft of 2.18:
- Reduced the volume of the Anchor firing sound by approx 33%
- Player speed increased when playing as the Interceptor
- Changed the firing sound of the Assault and the Marksman
- Changed the menu music for the final time.
2.18 is now out!
Ever feel as if your teammates are just plain useless, or just loves rushing on top of Enemies only to have both of them die? Well, they can now shoot while they are moving! Yes, they don’t have to stand still to shoot! To make things better, the Interceptors can actually do what their name implies including you, intercept and annoy the other team. With a new speed buff, they can get there and attack the enemy team, or at least, damage them enough, to have better chances of being successful in your first attack, or your teams first assault on the frontlines. BUT…
The enemy also has Interceptors of their own, and before you know it, you could have an enemy interceptor slowly cutting your team down in your spawn, or even have a whole army of them at your doorstep.
The next major change is a new strategy in the logbook to more effectively take back important objectives. In regular battles, points can no longer become contested, and faster capturing times in general. Also added in the logbook is some advice that you can read over before entering a match.
Lastly, some fine adjustments to some of our weapons has gave them better firing sounds, to make it feel as if you are really bringing the enemy down to their knees.
Now, for community feedback:
From some of my buddies, and one certain user here, have said that the firing sound for the Anchor was very loud, so its been reduced in volume.
The next update will focus on a widened game screen, a player count display that shows how many players are using a specific class in realistic Battles, and major UI changes. This next update might be the final update before I focus on other projects.
@sirbots Would you mind if I copy your update log idea for my game?
@011830-0a42ef84 unless you’re just copying it without actually changing it to be for your game, there’s no need to ask to use the idea’ on pet of an update log
@011830-0a42ef84 You can make your own, you don’t need to ask me.
Since widening the canvas and the screen is creating a TON of bugs that might take a few weeks to fix, I unfortunately have to cancel the addition of the screen widening until I can fix the bugs on a testing copy of the game.
As compensation, I will add one feature of someones choice. Post what you want added here, and I will pick at random Thursday.
@sirbots how big did you widen hte screen to?
@tyller_ canvas to 2800, screen to 1000x360
@sirbots why do you need a 1000x360 screen? that’s a very bad aspect ratio, like 25:9, a normal montior is 16:9 and the normal viewport is 4:3
@tyller_ Does not fit my screen lmao
@sirbots wdym doesn’t fit your screen? it will only fit your screen if you full screen it (like to the edges), the default si 4:3 which only fits on stuff like ipads (typically), almost all monitors universally are 16:9 which is ~ 640:360, 1000:360 is a completely arbitrary veiwport size, do you mean fit like across the entire screen (not vertically) in the project page? 1000:360 should not fit on a screen evenly in any way
@tyller_ Like, have fit the entire screen vertically when fullscreen.
@sirbots you said 1000 by 360, whats the issue? just try othe default viewport size 480:360 if the game works with that and remove fencing by just upping the canvas size, like if you just want no fencing at first you can do legit just 1000 by 1000 canvas size, 2000 by 2000 should be more than enough, I don’t recommend actually moving the viewport because at sizes at I think 5000 to 10000+ it stops showing stuff some way from the edge of the canvas
@tyller_ Im getting confused.
The canvas size is set to 2800x2800
Viewport size is at 1000x360.
What would be ideal?
@sirbots veiwport size as 480 by 360 unless you always had it as 1000 by 360, why did you make the viewport size 1000 by 360
@tyller_ Bcause I want to have a bigger screen size so I can make some UI changes.
@sirbots 1000 by 360 will either shrink the vertical height thus making it worse, the full screen when you press the full screen button fits to your browser window which is 4:3, if you want entire screen full screen (this excludes the green flag bar) its 640 by 360 which is 16:9, 1000 by 360 is a 22:9 screen ratio which is not good for really anything, you should shrink your ui elements because if you’re running out of space to do stuff, expanding the viewport doesn’t work because unless you have like a 100 by 100 or 200 by 200 viewport, it won’t give you more space, your device has to crop it down making ui elements even smaller, it’s not user friendly and doesnt fix the issue because the ui elements are the same size relative to everything else, it’s just now everything has to shrink itself weirdly
@tyller_ You do realize that most maps in shooter games aren’t square? Honestly, it seems better that way because it maps the map more fluent and realistic.
@c said in WOC Update Log:
post these updates on the project itself and not the forums
Is it fine if I only post major updates on the forum? Minor updates and bug fixes will be noted in the forum if anyone does ask though.
@011830-0a42ef84 he said he made the viewport 1000 by 360 and the canvas 2800 (assuming he means 2800 by 2800) the default viewport isn’t square, and 1000x360 is still a rectangle, just a really long one, this doesn’t help you fit more ui element’s on screen, to put that into perspective a modern phone has about a 20:9 aspect ratio (atleast mine does), I never said the map should be square (but those borders have to be a rectangular shape and the edges can be going into the play area where stuff is allowed)
Update 2.23 - Mode Change Update
Release Date; Feb 28, 2025
What’s new:
- Rearranged the button layout to make the main menu look more polished
- Moved the title and the Good Morning/Evening message to make the main menu more polished
- The background of the main menu now periodically change
Realistic Battles
- Made a new, more accurate player count system. In order to win based on kills, the entire opposing team must be eliminated to earn this victory.
- Previously, this victory could be obtained by killing enough players until the team has only ~5% of their starting player count remaining.
Game Mechanics
- In Realistic Battles, Added a menu that shows how many enemies which are currently alive, that is using a specific class. The count adjusts for eliminated players. This menu can be opened by holding the “E” key.
- This system only accounts for players on the enemy team that are currently alive.
- Does not work for regular battles
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where pressing the “E” key when entering, or inside of, a match after intermission would cause the main menu to appear on screen, effectively breaking the game.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong gamemode would be shown when loading into a non-realistic battle match.
- Fixed a bug in regular modes where sometimes the spectating screen would appear instead of respawning as normal.
- Fixed a bug where the Sandbag and the Medbubble sub-weapons would be frozen in place on screen when the Match Results screen would appear, provided that they were deployed when the screen appeared.
The next update will focus on adding one new weapon class and a new map, and some fixes. This next update will be the final content update.
Update 2.23 Sudden additions notes and Release!
So, we’re back with another update! Our team forgot to mention these few things when this was at work at our home base:
- 4 additional battle songs have been added
- Reduced the intensity of the red screen when the player is below 30 health by approx. 45%
We are proud to announce a new and improved system for telling if your team is winning or not in Realistic Battles! Even better, by holding the ‘E’ key, you can see which class that any currently alive bot is using. This counter updates for eliminated players. Lastly with this new technology, we can more accurately determine how many enemies are left in a match, but this also means you might have to hunt down that last, sneaky player.
We’ve also improved the Main Menu UI, did some rearranging, and added a background changer to give the Main Menu a more, cleaner, fresher look!
In terms of bug fixes, it was found during the development of the counter system that, if you entered a match after intermission instead of returning to the Main Menu, you could break the game by just pressing the “e” key. This has been fixed. Problems were also found with the gamemode display while the map was loading, not being able to respawn in non-realistic battles, and Sandbags and Medbubbles freezing on screen when the Results screen appeared, given that both is/was deployed when the screen appeared.
Happy fighting!
@sirbots hey if you have multiplayer can you tell me how you managed to do that?