Greetings are (or should be) completely relevant, since welcoming others is a sign of kindness or appreciation. Kicking these topics out would be either disrespectful or completely, in no offense, dumb.
Best posts made by The_True_Odst
RE: Welcome our new user, Cole!
Bot Test update log :D
Oh man, I’m so glad to announce that after almost a month, Bot Test has officially reached BETA VERSION!
Updates for Ver. 1.0-1.1 will be listed here:
- Sandbox mode is added, along with an early access gun in the sandbox (press Z)
- free enemy spawning in sandbox mode
- New enemy is added: ranged
– Ranged may be nerfed to 0.5dmg instead of 1.0dmg. - Endless now has two modes, new version and old version
– The new version features everything added in beta and continuing
– Old version will remain the OG 0.9 version of the game - Added sounds for many of the actions that occur in the game
- Added foreground for seeable movement
- Decreased the play size for no movement bugs
- Updated the main screen with more buttons
- Casual and multiplayer is being made and is already a button in the main screen
- bug fix for the indications on bots when they are hidden
- increased play size with limitations for no movement bugs
- added a locator compass for easier enemy location
- Two movement keys gives you speed boost (bc I’m too lazy to spend an hour trying to fix this “bug”)
- Added sounds for every action (except walking, which may or may not be added)
- new weapon in sandbox
- main menu music
- Fixed New version
- Ranged nerfed from 1 dmg to 0.5 dmg
- Fixed the health on the second bot
Officially leaving CreatiCode (or at least going to stop going on here a lot)
I am going to be offline more than what I used to in CreatiCode. The reason why is because this site isn’t for me anymore and I’ve found more advanced gaming sites like Occasionally I will check back on my account and maybe edit some of my games. It’s been fun being here and I thank you all for the fun time.
RE: Editor bug?
@106809nes modes change the font and detail. I’m using a separate font from the original and the detail looked different
"Important Forum Announcement" - Question
What do you need to do to get the “mod helper” tag and rank? I’ve been on this platform for a while now helping and posting (in) the forum. I’ve listed some important bugs and suggested a few ideas.
On the topic of this, I’ve noticed that I can no longer upload screenshots or images on here. Is this a bug, or did you remove this feature from the amount of spam/inappropriate content?
RE: Geometry Dash animation test
@tyller_ The ground and bg line texture is a bit bright, could blend in with the blue.
RE: Using an AI other than CreatiCode if you can't find what you are looking for
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I don’t have the exact words to make a counter-argument; your argument does not make much sense. I’m not saying that I would rather choose AI than people’s creations, but AI images look more fluent and creative than what I or other people may be able to create. They don’t go simplistic, they go in a manner that can “wow” the viewer by using a fluent and flowing method of creating.
Viewing Remixes
How do you review remixes? I would like to see the remixes people made on my game.
RE: Using an AI other than CreatiCode if you can't find what you are looking for
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yes, I agree this can happen on multiple types of Image AI, but many sites use different types of AI and each one has its own level of florid or fluentness
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@info-creaticode I fixed it. Right now they target the fastest since I’ve learned how to do that. How do you make them target the first enemy? Also, is there anything I can add to make it smoother? This game is planning on being a wave game and there are only 3 units right now for development examples.
Edit: Click the white circle and type “/give” in the upper left for extra money. This is mainly to see what the revolver does.
Edit2: I’m also planning on adding an auto-wave start
Edit3: I made the optional wave start, but idling the characters is a bit difficult with the way I created the game. They do manage to kill the first enemy before the others spawn, so they idle the entire time and don’t shoot, so I had to time it. I think I found a way to get around it though. (Edit4: I did manage to fix it)Edit5
: I’m also going to make an upgrader for the units along with placing multiples of the same unit.
note: you may need to click the flag a couple of times because the units or “start wave” don’t always work properly.
RE: Using an AI other than CreatiCode if you can't find what you are looking for
@jeffreyrb03-gmail But there’s where you are wrong though. You are putting “fluent” and “creative” as fact instead of opinion. You are really just stating what you don’t like just because you think it’s bad. I’m saying the positive influence because of the effects it can have. It can look good, it can look bad.
On the topic of Chatrooms:
Can we have chats in the topics? Basically meaning that chat in topics like the original chat rooms.
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Here’s the test room: I struggle with cloning. Think you can help with it?
Also, how do you think of the game overall? -
RE: Typing in editor is slow on iPad/mobile
@tyller_ So it is possible to create on mobile?
RE: On the topic of Chatrooms:
@info-creaticode What if it is connected to general discussion? I’ve been hearing that you can make outside sources on that since it doesn’t;;t have to be on-topic
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Ok, so you could be like my co-developer?
RE: weird bug
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yes, I use it on a separate computer so it won’t be blocked for me. If you have one too you can play it; it’s not supported on mobile.
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. Would there have to be a boundary and it’s like
If “[{unit} is in {boundary}],” then
“don’t place”
? -
RE: weird bug
@tyller_ If it isn’t a plug-in for a Chromebook, I’m pretty sure that is also blocked.
How much different is CreatiCode from
I understand it IS different, but is CreatiCode like more advanced?
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I changed it to “If touching color” still doesn’t work fsr tho.
RE: "Important Forum Announcement" - Question
@cattyplayzy said in "Important Forum Announcement" - Question:Be very helpful to the community. Plus I think you’ve earned it. Soooooooo… @info-creaticode
Would this work, as in me being able to join the group? I believe they would want me in it.
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Could you do that for the test and just send it to me? I would implement it in my project and credit you. I’m really only good at character design/animation, and how they shoot/move.
Also, do you have any enemy/unit suggestions? If so please list and explain it to me
I’m also planning on making moving units, as well.
RE: ChatGPT is limited and not as powerful as actual ChatGPT
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Here is a screenshot from the chatgpt I use.
This site eventually stops the chat bot from talking
It also works as a challenge:
Though, once it think it “wins,” it keeps trying to play the game, which I think was dumb.
RE: Launching a ball using a drag system -- help
@tyller_ Yes, I tried going in to edit it and it did the same thing.
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail OK let me rename every sprite then
Ok they are all renamed and kind of explained
Shake screen
There should be an option where the screen can shake
blocks should include these:
shake screen: it shakes screen until manually stopped
shake screen for any amount of time
Screen shake strength: sets how much force is applied to shaking the screen.
Launching a ball using a drag system -- help
I used AI for most of this, which helped much. Everything looks right, it just doesn’t work for some reason. could I get help with this?
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail How’s the progess going (I got bored)
RE: Shake screen
@jeffreyrb03-gmail, @info-creaticode, Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Maybe when moving the backdrop, there could be an option on whether or not the gap should be white or black.
RE: Shows the Creaticode screen when I place DJ in -- "goofy Tower Defense test room"
@info-creaticode I’ve tried, but it doesn’t appear when I ask it something. I’ve tried debugging and restarting the chat but it doesn’t work
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I read everything you did and it is a lot better than what I’ve done lol. I have one problem though, the units won’t fire at “bolt” after they killed “basic” and “speed.” I think that might be on you because mine works fine when I place all my units down.
Have any unit/enemy suggestions? If so explain them pls I would love to make them.
Onion Layering -- Costume Creator
There should be an option where you can see the previous costume’s position on the costume you are creating, and maybe another layer before that.
Here’s an example:
RE: Shows the Creaticode screen when I place DJ in -- "goofy Tower Defense test room"
I typed in "how do you make variable on only 1 sprite, and it didn’t show -
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@tyller_ Also can you figure out why when “speed” enemy dies before “bolt” spawns, the units won’t attack the enemies?
RE: Onion Layering -- Costume Creator
@catty It could have a picture of an object (most likely from Creaticode’s options for sprites) and can have multiple in the box, each one that’s behind it more and more transparent.
RE: Shows the Creaticode screen when I place DJ in -- "goofy Tower Defense test room"
@info-creaticode It also happens every time I load a new project
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@tyller_ can you share the project so I can look at your updates? I won’t copy until you say
Forum update -- "someone typing"
When someone is typing, it should pop up on the “replied” section in the recent tab and inside the forum as well. It should say something like “{username} is typing”
RE: Clone animations
@tyller_ Can you explain that to me? I tried making the clones change costume but it doesn’t work
RE: Goofy Tower Defense
@jeffreyrb03-gmail What’s your favorite unit so far? (I added a minigunner if you haven’t looked at it yet)