I might leave Creaticode soon (actually this time)
My home computer is almost able to be able to create larger and more advanced games, like Unity or Roblox Create. When it does this (and once I learn c# and maybe Js), I may be limiting my time on Creaticode and this forum exponentially in a few months. I may come back at times to ask questions about Unity/coding (I think @jeffreyrb03-gmail knows about that stuff). Overall, I just wanna say farewell and hope that everyone does good on the projects they are making (@SirBots, can’t wait for your space game to be finished; it sounds really cool).
@the_true_odst rip… man you will do amazing on stuff like Roblox studio.
@attractive-milk That is, if I do do Roblox Studio and if Linux is supported with it. Not sure it is.
@the_true_odst That’s a pity. All the best though!
On a separate note: Have you considered trying to create your own Scratch mod? -
Quite a big snag I’ve run into (I’m running this in dev mode rn), “sudo” command in Crosh is blocked by administrators for my account, so I’m gonna have to work around that issue soon.
@the_true_odst Best of luck! I can provide tips on some stuff, I know JS quite well and in general would recommend very much you learn JS before trying to learn something like C#, especially since creaticode/all scratch related things aren’t that object oriented, so starting with learning the basic object oriented language that all websites have to use (for the browser) should be a priority, or doing unity/roblox lua
Edit: something else, do not be afraid to use ai, but don’t use it all over, just make sure you read the notes on what it writes (I have found that chatgpt is best at doing this and gemini by google will sometimes not explain as in detail) so you are learning from it and understand what it’s doing, that way you don’t just get some code that you put in your project and don’t know how to debug. Also you shouldn’t jsut get ai to do the hard parts and you do the easy ones, if you think you know all the concepts needed for a mechanic, even if it would be hard to implement, try at first, if you fail and want to use ai, you can ask it for a layout for how you’d program the mechanic (so for a acceleration system it would tell you to have a variable for acceleration added to the velocity every frame, not just give you the code), and if you don’t know how you could do some part of that layout, ask it how you would do it in the language you’re working in, it can help you learn new functions quite easily
TDLR of edit: if you want to use ai to help you program, you can use it, but don’t make it program for you.
@tyller_ Is c# just more advanced than js? I’ve noticed that both languages are pretty similar to each other, and they both just have minor changes.
Roblox doesn’t support Linux. You would need something like Sober or Wine (Linux OS) to play Roblox, or even create. But it seems like you mixed up ChromeOS and Linux. ChromeOS can run a Linux Virtual Machine inside of ChromeOS, but it won’t run exactly like Linux.Hope that’s some useful information! Good luck out there.
Hey, Rhyder. This is off-topic. But i’m sorry. I can’t allow you into the Best Forum Helpers group until you are eligible. You can find the requirements under the group title.
I’m also sorry if this appears rude. I don’t mean to harm you. -
@the_true_odst C# is definitely more advanced than JS. You have to deal with the operating system and lower level stuff manually, where in JavaScript, you have many luxuries like garbage collection and whatnot that make it so you don’t have to worry about memory stuff. C# is also typed like Java more, not JavaScript (two different things).
@c I’m trying to get into Unity through Linux through Termux (that downloadable thing that lets you bypass “sudo” in crosh)
I would love to help you, but I don’t know anything about Linux’s terminal system. Plus I don’t exactly condone to this, nor will I stop you from doing it. It’s your choice, really. But I recommend just using a personal device if you have one. -
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Fun fact, you can still (somehwat easily evenly) get a memory leak in js, I wanted to just say this to someone, but in using a function I had made that clamps a number between two values, I forgot the .x/.y on my references, and calling it every frame to add it to something caused a memory leak (still dont understand why it called them like that, it was just an object that tried to have math done to it, returned, and the value is added to a number, shoulda juts made it NaN imo)
@c I am using a personal device, not my school one. The only issue I have is I’m not sure Termux will work bc the downloads won’t work