I need help with my chatting system
I’m trying to make the pfp on the chat menu match the user pfp. can someone help? -
@s9205307-810c679a I’d recommend sending the project so that if an admin try’s to help, they wont have to ask for the project so they can remix and find the issue
@s9205307-810c679a I could be wrong, but is this the game? https://play.creaticode.com/projects/66e7487ab156734ad26fcf1c
@jd131111 yes it is
That’s a good idea. We will provide a new block that can fetch the user’s profile picture as a new costume, then you can use that costume as the icon in the chat window.
@info-creaticode Ok. Thanks!
@info-creaticode That’s a great idea
@info-creaticode oh yeah i remember me and tylerr recommended that but it’d make sense to have a reporter block instead called “user profile picture” (in sensing section near “username” blocks) that returns that image URL of the PFP that can then be used as a costume with blocks
True. We can do it that way.
A new reporter block has been added to the sensing category, which returns the URL of the user’s avatar image.
If the user has not uploaded an avatar, this block will return an empty string. In that case, you can use the default avatar image: https://play.creaticode.com/static/images/profile_avatar.png
@info-creaticode can it be made to have an input for their user id so I don’t need to send the pfp along the rest of the message?
Currently this block only returns the profile image of the current user who is running the project, and it can not get the profile image of any user given a user ID.
Can you please explain the use case for that function?
@info-creaticode IT would allow me to have each client receive only hte user id from another client in a message broadcast (instead of both the user id and the user pfp url) and then get the url of that person and their pfp, basically not having to use the broadcast message to send data the receiving client could of interpreted (I believe i send the user id through the broadcast message, if I don’t then I probably will add that because it’s less length than a url, if broadcast messages have a length limit)
We are hesitant about allowing a project to get the user profile image of any other user at this point.
How about sending both the user ID and the user PHP URL in one broadcast message and splitting it on the receiving side? If you run into issues with that approach we can help figure it out.