custom emoji test thing
Posts made by GreeniWasTakenYT
Quick Question
Since Scratch has their mascot the Scratch Cat
i was wondering if this was called CreatiCode Dog
RE: Block Feature Request
@info-creaticode, You could do that, but I’m also looking for a solution that works specifically with widgets.
Block Feature Request
i am working on a system that allows users to send images. i need a block that could use AI to check whether the image is inappropriate.
I need help with my chatting system
I’m trying to make the pfp on the chat menu match the user pfp. can someone help? -
RE: Army Games
@catty I was gonna ask a similar question to this. so can I make my character fall over and disappear?
RE: Moderation System Not Working
@tyller_ Thanks for letting me know. I placed the moderation block back and it works now! I will also organize my blocks and clean up loose blocks. Thanks!
Moderation System Not Working
I was testing out the moderation system for my chat system and whenever I say normal words, it keeps saying its wrong. Can someone help?
Importing glitch
I am trying to import a Scratch project into CreatiCode but the block keeps turning into a space key pressed block which is annoying to change. Can you fix this, please?
Block Request
It would be cool if there were a bounce block. here’s an example:
RE: Hitbox Help
@info-creaticode I know that but I wanted to remake the game but with physics
Hitbox Help
I’m trying to make Tetris but with physics, the hitboxes aren’t working right. Can someone help, please?
RE: Relay | Online Chatting Platform!
@tyller_ oh. whats wrong with it??
edit: i noticed you were talking to someone else. srry for the cunfusion -
RE: Relay | Online Chatting Platform!
@tyller_ you have to click the chat button at the bottom it looks like this
RE: Relay | Online Chatting Platform!
@info-creaticode okie dokie! ill look into this!
Relay | Online Chatting Platform!
I have made a chatting platform called Relay:
Online Chatting Not Fully Working
my online chatting system almost works. I don’t know how to fix the message sent twice on the right screen. can you help, please?
More Text Fonts
Can you add more fonts for text? I want to make my text more expressive. Examples: Comic Sans MS or Impact
RE: Welded Blocks
@info-creaticode Thanks for the example! Do you have any way to do this for clones of one sprite?
Welded Blocks
I need help to make blocks that stick together until force is applied to it. Can someone help me?
RE: Hitboxes
@info-creaticode I’m trying to use this to remake the game “Bad Piggies.” In the game, you can put the pig in a box with a hole! . I am trying to replicate that. Look at the image.
RE: Hitboxes
@info-creaticode Good suggestion! Can you teach me how to dot that please? thx
CreatiCode team, can you edit the convex hull hitboxes to be more accurate? thx!
RE: [ORIG POST DELETED] Need Help with an online chatting system.
@cattyplayzy, I don’t have a link. Can you still help me with my problem?
[ORIG POST DELETED] Need Help with an online chatting system.
Can Somebody help with an online chatting system that uses the “say” block?
RE: I need help with an online chatting system
@s9205307-810c679a i want something like this btw
I need help with an online chatting system
“Looking to create an engaging online chat system. Any experts who can help with this?”