How does one use vRoid in CreatiCode avatars again?
I know I already asked you guys and you gave a YouTube tutorial but I forgot the forum post as it was far back. Could I have the YouTube video to rig them in Mixamo via Blender again? And any other needed instructions to basically make my models compatible with CC in the way you guys did it before
Thanks in advance! -
Maybe you are looking for this topic?
Note that you can search on the forum using the search bar on the top right. For example, you can search by “mixamo” to find the discussion above.
@info-creaticode Thank you, this helped! I’ll let you know when I get those rigged since I think you guys might still be waiting to see if it worked
@info-creaticode that topic is locked/shows access denied for normal users (mentioning this so other people don’t have to if they have the same question)
@tyller_ Yeah, I put it in a private category because it contained kind of secret information
@jeffreyrb03-gmail ah alright