Score (on profiles)
Now, I know CreatiCode is fetching a lot of errors right now within the website, but I just want to know, how do you get score on a profile (ex: Score: 1)?
Actually, what do you mean?
@jd131111 Score is effectively reddit karma (I think downvotes on reddit make you lose karma so it would fit), upvoting somebody’s post gives them one score, and downvoting one of their posts gives them minus one score
@catty On the real Creaticode website, on a users profile, theres a score, mine is 2 last I checked.
@jd131111 Hello and welcome to the website! Hope you like it we discuss CreatiCode coding alot here and you can even share/promote your projects too or get help with coding issues/bugs. To answer your question, I’m pretty sure you can see anyone’s score. Like mine is 0 and the sun god’s is 1. And if you’re referring to reputation on the forum, then you can see it just by clicking on a user’s forum profile. The forum and the site are pretty seperate and don’t/can’t use info from each other except for this forum making you use your CreatiCode account to make a forum account( although I feel it’d make sense if they were just together to begin with/merged but they do their job so its ok).