my project keeps on breaking
So my project keeps on like deleting what i was just working on and I just lost a whole lot of valuable progress where I finally got my regexes to work and almost the whole block stack just got deleted and I didn’t even drag it to the trash can. And somehow, the end of one of my blocks just got blocked off (after “with”):
I’m not sure if a bug with XO caused it because I know XO sometimes gives blocks with inputs that are like read only or blocks that just don’t exist and then allows you to copy them.This is like the second time this has happened to my project. I make sure to save constantly but when I refresh the page I realize it actually hasn’t been saving. And when I decided to export my project it just messed it up even more. I noticed this when it ChatGPT kept on saying “Hello JaecadeJnight, how may I assist you today?” no matter what I said so I had to refresh.
I’ve had the tab open for a while and I’m not sure but maybe the new update caused it or something.
To fix stuff like this, what if you guys implemented an automatic project edit/revision history similar to google docs?
Tyller_ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa last edited by
IT seems that it managed to just straight up remove the NEW_VALUE value tag from it, if you were using XO then it could make sense how it was cleanly cut out (if there is even a way to not cleanly remove a tag from xml) and it would mean XO just forgot part of it(Reference)
The broke block
<block xmlns="" type="operator_regex_replace_with" colour="#59C059ff" id="kwa;pv6=GS^1xC#0e*F`" x="725" y="91"><value name="REGEX"><shadow type="text" colour="#FFFFFFff" id="y;fgdipfx;)wv*/iTS?C"><field name="TEXT">|TRIVIA|</field></shadow></value><value name="FLAG"><shadow type="text" colour="#FFFFFFff" id="oQ,I%f)UN^sZ(y?:8MKa"><field name="TEXT">g</field></shadow></value><value name="TARGET"><shadow id="QU;2:F690n;YD:_bh~;F" type="text"><field name="TEXT">a1b2c3</field></shadow><block type="data_variable" colour="#FF8C1Aff" id=",~cEDwR=NCay_HP2hXnf"><field name="VARIABLE" id="`jEk@4|i[#Fk?(8x)AV.-my variable" variabletype="">result</field></block></value></block>
Fixed version
<block xmlns="" type="operator_regex_replace_with" colour="#59C059ff" id="#QoXBxOXeB$]~g{%}/!l" x="641.9444444444443" y="225.27777777777877"><value name="REGEX"><shadow type="text" colour="#FFFFFFff" id="NI??V8msZ?h:oiR.Uf5m"><field name="TEXT">|TRIVIA|</field></shadow></value><value name="FLAG"><shadow type="text" colour="#FFFFFFff" id="!R8`{@s5Z^lbJ4;|0aX4"><field name="TEXT">g</field></shadow></value><value name="TARGET"><shadow type="text" colour="#FFFFFFff" id="O$fOdMFl|Z0i(+_,C:WS"><field name="TEXT">a1b2c3</field></shadow><block type="data_variable" colour="#FF8C1Aff" id=",~cEDwR=NCay_HP2hXnf"><field name="VARIABLE" id="`jEk@4|i[#Fk?(8x)AV.-my variable" variabletype="">result</field></block></value><value name="NEW_VALUE"><shadow type="text" colour="#FFFFFFff" id=";l9Pi/1fpq-IeMUPXVb3"><field name="TEXT"></field></shadow></value></block>
It seems the new value -
Sorry about this issue. Just to confirm, the block that’s causing trouble is the “regex” block, right? Was it generated by XO? And what did you do to cause it to “break”?
@info-creaticode i dont believe it was the regex block but maybe XO since I used it and it just talked to me in Chinese and I’m not sure if it did something to my project before I closed it.I just know almost the whole thing I had just added was removed maybe because something I saw (client-side) wasn’t saved server side even tho it said saved. Maybe the regex caused a crash that caused this? But I’m not sure.
I’ve fixed the project now so it’s almost back to how it was before it got messed up but I just am afraid the issue might happen again and ruin everything I’ve been working on
Yes, XO had an issue yesterday due to some language setting problem, but it is fixed now.
The crash should not be due to XO. Most likely it was because of some special characters in the blocks that could not be saved or loaded correctly.
I suggest you make frequent saves of your project as new copies at this point before we can reliably reproduce the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@info-creaticode Thank you