Who is...
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I’d have to look over some of your projects to make sure but I’d say you because your planning on using http requests to do some database stuff (then again I’ve never had a project that tried to use stuff like that, but my js knowledge isn’t at that level yet)
Oh. How about 3148?
Fine, how about 2012?
Oh. How about 2025?
Going Offline
Reason: Developer’s Request.
Reason: I have to go. -
@tyller_ Yeah I am pretty experienced in JS and Scratch but you might be a bit better at CreatiCode? I just use logic because for me coding is easy, just sometimes a lot of code/blocks and thinking, it looks like u do the same especially how you first made a 3d multiplayer thingie
Bro, this is the end… geez… @BlastBot…
What’s python? -
A coding language. -
@luna Huh
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yeah, I do have two discord bots that I self host, though to actually make them I ask ChatGPT for how to make something (I treat ChatGPT like Google), and then I look at that code and reuse it’s code and ask it if stuff doesn’t work, that’s how I learned what dot notation even is and how to use it, I prefer block based because you can see what you have available, it’s mainly because you can be self taught in block based programming but not in actual scripting (self taught as in without using documentation/asking for help)
idk if we’re allowed to mention the 13+ controller app in a K-12 website… -
@luna its coding related
@jeffreyrb03-gmail I am better a coding things in gimkit. It is a bit easier to understand, but there is a very limited amount of things you can do sadly
Gimkit doesn’t count. -
Yeah, but you can do a ton with gimkit, like a save code system.
Well, it does. It has code blocks. Plenty.
Gimkit doesn’t count. I explicitly stated “CreatiCode”. -
@luna oh I didn’t mean about being the best coder, just saying that I prefer coding in gimkit.
@15486-c782bfa9 it’s also easier to find problems and test solutions in gimkit if you ask me
Amen brother, amen.
sigh. gimkiy doesn’t count -
Geez ok.
@luna gimkiy? You mean gimkit lol
@luna i also wasn’t even talking about the contest thing was just stating
@luna and also the gimkit forums that you can get help with the coding is a lot more active and has more knowledgeable people with the coding.
What would my ranking be? I make some pretty good games. I don’t really focus on 3D though. Plus, I’m moving onto more advanced sites so I will be on a lot less.
(this part is simply an advertisement) Anyone want to join me? The new site I’m using is called flowlab.io. This game gives you free, no coding experience, with really easy-to-follow tutorials, creating. I’ve already made a really decent Mario-type platformer with just 3 days in the game! Join now, and witness a new form of coding that is really fun to make!
@011830-0a42ef84 Maybe? Your rated level 5, fyi
@black-cat Your computer owner probably blocked it. It has games on it that you are able to play. That probably explains it
@black-cat I know many, but most of them don’t support Chrome.
Wait, if the site is blocked on yours how do you know other sites are more advanced? I mean, Unity and Unreal, obvi, but still?
@011830-0a42ef84 This one does. Ill get a link. More advanced than even creaticode
@black-cat A lot, including Flowlab, is more advanced
https://www.scriptacademy.net/ try it.
@black-cat This is just learning
@011830-0a42ef84 ik, but it can be used either way.
@black-cat Wdym, "either way?
@011830-0a42ef84 Either learning or for fun
@black-cat Yes, but you can’t do literal programming. It is just learning