How to make a preview for creaticode project?
I don’t know how to make preview for my creaticode project, I tryed to ask XO, But it said to use a show block and it did’t work,I even tryed to finde an answer on YouTube, But again there were no answers, First, i thought i need to save it, like in scrach, but it did not worked.I have seen a lot of projects that don’t have a preview. So, how should I do it?
Hi, the preview automatically generated only works for 2D projects. I assume you are talking about a 3D project. In that case, you can make a preview using the camera button:
It will take a snapshot of the current view of the 3D camera and use that as the preview.
Hi @info-creaticode I am making my project in 2D but it not works.
@makargoreley-gmail when you click the camera button what happens to the project preview? Does it not change at all or change to something that wasn’t on screen when you pressed it?
@tyller_ camera butten is working.But i am making project in 2D.
@makargoreley-gmail the camera button should work for 2D also, is it working for 2D or only 3D? It should work for both because 3D only creates a display on the 2D area.
@tyller_ Camera butten does not show up if you not have any 3D thing in your project.
@makargoreley-gmail show a picture. Make sure you’re in the editor and not full screen, it works for me without anything 3D in my project.
oh… I found it in my 2D project and it woks! Thanks for helping me, guys! For leting me know that
this butten even exists, thanks!