Infinite signature length?
This explains itself…
The signature length has a limit of 255 characters.
@info-creaticode Yes, but the user can spam any character (for ex: t) and then press enter, copy that, then paste it until the limit is reached, making it a long time to scroll past them without zooming out and scrolling.
You should make it so that you can only have 3 lines.
Currently NodeBB does not support limiting number of lines in signatures. If any user does that, we will warn or remove that user.
@info-creaticode Okay, thank you
@info-creaticode does it allow regex? You can probably make a regex that checks for more than like 4-5 new line characters, I think like .?\n.?\n.?\n.?\n.*?\n (There’s probably a less verbose way to do that but that was off the top of my head from what I remember about regex) would work