I'm back! (and I have a cool new gaem)
Here’s my new game, please list any bugs you may find (read the instructions before you do tho)
I’m doing this for a school project (as a backup) so yes, comments about bug fixes would be very helpful. Thank you.
@011830-0a42ef84 isi it meant to be so bouncy? I got to the second level and I’ve found the climbing walls but find it hard to do since the character bounces off the walls
@tyller_ Yes, I should note that you can keep pressing the left and right keys to continue climbing the walls. A lot of the concepts require timing, like the double jump and wall climb.
@011830-0a42ef84 I know you can climb the walls more, my issue is I seem to bounce off when I try to climb them, though ig the issue is I’m on an ipad (built in keyboard) so I have a big of frame/tick lag
Welcome Back!
@tyller_ So when you bounce, there’s a variable that activates the jumpBoost so you can jump in the air again. That way you can jump, go to the wall, bounce off, and jump again.