How to make a simple platformer game :>
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Today we are making a simple platformer game! Start by making the character sprite, you can make it a square, triangle, human, squirrel, alien, anything. Set your characters size to anything, for this, I’m going with 85. Use this code to make it!
when green flag clicked set size to (100) %
Now, lets add a simple gravity system. We’re going to have to add the “LevelGround” sprite, lets do it!
After creating that sprite, you can use this code inside of “LevelGround” to make it go to the middle, make sure your character’s sprite is at the bottom of the boundary box for creating sprites, its fine for it to be outwards
when green flag clicked go to center
Now, for the player, copy this script for basic gravity!
when green flag clicked set [Gravity v] to [0] forever change [Gravity v] by (-0.2) if <key [space v] pressed?> then set [Gravity v] to [6] wait until <<not <key [space v] pressed?>> and <touching (LevelGround v)?>> endif end end
Oh, no! Our players gravity is going down super fast! Let’s fix that!
First, add a variable called: “Cooldown”, make this simple line:
when green flag clicked set [Cooldown v] to [N]
Awesome! Now, lets edit our script that was for gravity.
when green flag clicked set [Gravity v] to [0] forever wait (1) [milliseconds v] change [Gravity v] by (-0.25621) if <<(Cooldown) = [N]> and <key [space v] pressed?>> then set [Cooldown v] to [Y] set [Gravity v] to [6] change y by (2) repeat until <<touching (LevelGround v)?> or <(Gravity) = [0]>> set [Cooldown v] to [N] change [Gravity v] by (-0.25621) set [Cooldown v] to [Y] end set [Cooldown v] to [N] endif if <touching (LevelGround v)?> then set [Gravity v] to [0] endif end end
Awesome! Now, we have to make movement.
Make these 2 when pressing a / d blocks!
when [a v] key pressed repeat until <not <key [a v] pressed?>> change x by (-4) end end
when [d v] key pressed repeat until <not <key [d v] pressed?>> change x by (4) end end
Awesome! Now, you can make your own custom levels, you should add a second sprite for the outline so that if you collide with it, you don’t go upwards, hope this helps!
Thank you for contributing to the community.
I assume you got these pseudocode using the right-click menu’s “copy pseudocode” option, right?
FYI, you can also use the “Export PNG Image” option above it, so that you get high quality block images. Of course, you can also use screen capture. Usually a block image is easier to read compared to the pseudocode for beginners.
@info-creaticode Alright, thank you!