Army Games
Are we allowed to create fps style games, if they have limited violence or a slider that enables more violent content? I know that people have created FPS games on the official scratch website and I want to know if I can do the same in 3d on this site.
Thanks for checking with us. In general, if it is acceptable on MIT Scratch, then we are fine with it, but we prefer the death scene to be not so violent. If the game is fun, the players should not care much about whether the death animation is very realistic, right?
That is correct, but it can be problematic for people with PTSD. If they have experienced traumatic experiences (e.g. gun violence, burglaries, domestic violence, and possibly even murder), then they may not have a good experience on the game. Like Scratch, the game would be taken down if it was too realistic.To answer your question, @ejrowberry09-12248f6d, no. You may not add a realistic death scene for reasons said above. However, if it isn’t too realistic on Scratch, then maybe it’s fine. But please keep in mind that some people may experience PTSD when playing your game.
@catty I was gonna ask a similar question to this. so can I make my character fall over and disappear?
@s9205307-810c679a That would most likely be okay, as long as there’s no detailed particles for it
@catty Sorry but I disagree with your decision. CreatiCode is right but games like that just need a warning message. Usually people disregard warnings, like kids getting over age barriers on sites by lying, but if you have PTSD or epilepsy or something that you are aware of, seeing a warning would likely make you leave because you wouldn’t want to have to go to the hopsital over a web game triggering you (I personally would be embarassed). Like adult sites have, a modal saying “are you sensitive to gore? If so you should leave” and and ok button and text that says to exit the project if not ok should be good enough. That way, people are protected, and anything bad happening would be purely their choice and not a mistake. This also doesn’t restrict the creator from being as creative as he wants since CreatiCode isn’t meant to be very limiting. It also makes sense if you dont need or want a warning to just have a disabled by default setting for detailed gore, and a settings screen to change that setting WITH a warning.
Well I don’t make projects here for a living, so I don’t know how strict everything is, but I see your point. My brain was turned off when righting that message, and I thought it was scratch strict about gore. You’re right.