I'm making a game, send feedback about it :D
Hello! I’m making a project, I’d like some peoples feedback about it
Also, is it okay if I add alcohol to it? I’m not using it in a way where you drink or take it, but that you get rid of it… In… Outer space…???
KNOWN BUGS: players lasers move with the after players rotation, fire from the buttom of the ship also does not rotate correctly, players rotation has a chance to flip completely upside down, making all rotating objects break.
@jd131111 its nice
No, you may not add alcohol. You may use Root Beer, as that isn’t truly alcohol.Plus use common sense, it’s a kids website.
@catty Alright, thank you for commenting about what I can use, and what I can’t
I just wanted to confirm before publishing a project that breaks the rules, my idea with this project is to get rid of root beer now… in… outer space…???
It’s the best alternative I can currently think of. Sorry. -
@catty It’s fine