Chat Rooms Project
The project is shared to friends only, this is only because I don’t want somebody just remixing it and removing moderation stuff (and it’s very complex so it wouldn’t really do much good looking inside).
Report system: use /report to submit a report to set staff of the project (manually set by me, I do plan on setting forum mods with perms) with the context of the current world, your user id, and anything you put in the report (it submits the report as a string, to report a user you just mention a person’s user in the report)
Simple world system: You can easily create and join a world, and leave one with /leave
Url world joining system: you can make a url to join the current world you are in very simply (will add a url generator), it will join the world via the url (password has to be included, though it’s smart so that it will try whatever password the user last used, so you can post a url publicly and tell some people the password and only they can join)Link:
@tyller_ This has been updated to use the google sheets blocks! This means it will have no limit to how many worlds/messages/users there can be (each user is logged to show usernames when loading a world and to allow banning)
The sheets url is not shared (I can make a separate project without the url referenced for sharing) so all messages/worlds are secure, I will attempt to reimplement moderation commands shortly after I send this post
I can add “themes” (other styles of the chat screen) if requested, these would be stuff like text box based messages (all messages are shown in a large text box and you have a text bar to type). The purpose of these would be if enough people don’t like the default CreatiCode chat style