Dynamic bug
When you click the dynamic object block 2x, your game “crashes” in a sort of way, more-so a softlock, but you can just refresh the page. -
Which block is the “dynamic object block” you are referring to?
behave as a [v] [v] shape [v] debug [v], or in better formatting: -
Thank you. We will look into it.
Can you please share the project? We can’t seem to recreate the “crash” when clicking on this block multiple times. thank you
@info-creaticode Okay, I’ll share the project link.
(go into sprite ball, and click the
when green flag clicked
go to x: (120) y: (35)
initialize 2D physics world with gravity x (0) y (-250)
behave as a [dynamic v] [object v] shape [Circle v] debug [No v]
We looked into the issue. It seems the issue only occurs when you click the green flag block, but it works fine when you click the green flag button. This is because when you click the green flag button, additional clean up code will run so the sprite starts with a clean state. When you click the green flag block, the sprite’s state will not reset properly.
Also, for the Maze sprite, it should not run the “behave as” block when the green flag is clicked, because the physics engine may not have been initialized by the Ball sprite. A safer way is for the Ball sprite to initialize the physics engine, then broadcast a message to trigger the Maze to run the “behave as” block.
@info-creaticode Oh, thank you