Could Scratch blocks be supported for this forum?
I was reading the latest tutorial about AI for checking student understanding and it’s cool, but I noticed the forum code given at the top doesn’t actually work as expected on this forum:
The code results in this:when green flag clicked set [index v] to [1] repeat (5) say (index) for (1) seconds change [index v] by (2) end end
Could the scratch language be supported by the markdown codeblocks here? And it’d be even better if it supported blocks from CreatiCode as well.
That’s a good idea. We will have to add quite some code to make it happen in this forum. We’ll do some research on that.
@info-creaticode Thank you! To help with that, it might be good to use for generating block images (as it does use a live editor preview sort of thing, kind of like the one here). Or there could be a nodeBB addon already out there for scratch blocks, not too sure.
Yes, that’s the library we use, but we have to heavily modify it since we have many new blocks.
@info-creaticode True, I’m gonna make something that might help you guys out with that perhaps (not code)