Packager for Projects
I was wondering if there is a package program like Turbo Warp Packager. This would be helpful when turning games into HTML. Or is it possible to use Turbo Warp Packager? It would be beneficial to learn all that CreatiCode has to offer. It would also help if there was an offline version and if all devices, such as computers and mobile phones, could play together. Thank you!
@auralunex Unlike Scratch, CreatiCode is not open source (and reverse engineering is not allowed), so a community made packager wouldn’t be allowed. But you should be able to use turbo warp for projects that don’t use any new blocks since it’s built off Scratch, you could suggest a packager but I don’t know if it would be allowed (also as i Think of this, what’s the difference between using iframes instead of a packager? I honestly have never used a packager and just want to know)
You can iframe embed your project onto your website(s). And chatrooms if it’s allowed.