What does the add 3d video plane block do and how to use?
I haven’t found any documentation on how to use this block. How do I put a video plane? I tried to put a YouTube video URL, but this doesn’t work or is confusing. I’m assuming this just plays a YouTube video (or a video located at any URL) on a plane/flat surface that I could use to make like a working TV -
Yes it is for using video as texture. However, youtube videos are not supported, since it is blocked by CORS of Youtube.
Instead, you can follow these steps to test it:
Find or create a mp4 video file (make sure it’s appropriate).
Share the file online. One easy way is to use the “My Files” tab in the “My Stuff” page: https://play.creaticode.com/mystuff/files
That page allows you to upload a file and copy its public URL.
- Use the video’s public URL in the video plane block like this:
It will look like this:
@info-creaticode Ohh ok thanks, but how would I put it at a specific coordinate? I’ve tried this and it didn’t work (because I also tried to put a YT URL) so I just wanna see some example code.
For all 3D objects, you can move/rotate them the same way, using the blocks under “3D Action”, like this:
If you have multiple objects, you may need to “select” one object as the “sprite object”, then the move/rotate blocks will be applied to that object.
See this for more details: https://www.forum.creaticode.com/topic/16/names-and-sprite-objects
@info-creaticode hm ok, thank you for the clarification!