blocks to show/hide databases
Like other data (vars, lists, tables), it would be good if there was an option to hide/show it with new blocks:
hide database [database v],
show database [database v]I know databases are supposed to be hidden and private in most cases but I intend on using one as like a leaderboard/list of stuff that I want to show to the user and doesnt have any private info. It is possible to just make a table that shows database data and show that table instead, but I feel these blocks would also serve a good purpose for consistency.
The “database” you see is really a preview of a subset of the data in that collection, and as you said, it is more for dev/test purposes. We would suggest you show its content using the table that comes with the database.
@info-creaticode Oh wait I know what you’re talking about, lol. I always use that but moreso for data retrieval and putting purposes, but I can make a copy of the table to display. This helps, thank you!