Test my game!
I’d like feedback! WAD to move, 1 phasers, 2 torpedos, 3 and 4 shields on/off ENTER to change from shuttle, colarado class, interpied class, and galaxy class! -
Mobile version is out!
@mathew139616-10db496a your game is blocked
Meh. okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
@011830-0a42ef84 are you on some school chromebook with super strict blockers or something lol?
No it was a bug haha -
@jeffreyrb03-gmail Yeah, when creaticode shut down or smth
@black-cat We tested it, and replied some feedback - hope it helps!
Hey! Make sure to look at the dates of the posts before posting here!
You had replied to a 6+ month old topic.