@blujey1294-328b9bc4 you have to do forever loops so the x and y variable places are set to the brains x and y, and the PlayerX and PlayerY are set to the x and y of the player in a forever loop. I can make an example if necessary
Is it possible to code this?
I want to code this mechanic from terraria with the illusions but I don’t know if its possible, or something I just need some tips, please. my project btw: https://play.creaticode.com/projects/6789294c9d4344c8ce37e611
2:45 for timestamp
@blujey1294-328b9bc4 you can try this logic:
Create 3 clones
each clone has a unique id (for complex and less repeated you can try something like -+ ± and --, for each axis and diagonal)
handle each clone id under three if else statements
have two variables for the original sprites x and y, and the players x and y
each clone does the following:
subtract the sprites x and y variables from the players x and y variables
then for each individual clone:
-the first clone multiples the x by -1 and doesn’t touch the y
-the second clone doesn’t touch the x and multiplies the y by -1
-the third clone multiples both the x and y by -1
the players x and y are added back
each clone goes to these final resultsBasically this reflects the x and y across the corresponding axises for each clone, treating the player x and y as the origin point
I can make an example set of operator blocks to show how to do all this math
I’m really bad at coding those things but thank you so much for the tips, i would like an example
This should work (I haven’t tested but it should), the letter 5 and 6 of clone id are for the - and + symbols, and the dupe prefix is to make it different from other clones
edit: that go to should be in a forever loop*, and you can add a ghost effect based on boss health
@tyller_ tysm
@tyller_ I followed the instructions to a T, but I don’t know how to actually make the variables do something, as they aren’t registering as anything and it makes the brain go to 0,0?
@blujey1294-328b9bc4 you have to do forever loops so the x and y variable places are set to the brains x and y, and the PlayerX and PlayerY are set to the x and y of the player in a forever loop. I can make an example if necessary
@tyller_ please do!
@tyller_ thanks!!!
@tyller_ nothing works, it just spawns directly on the boss. thanks for the help though, I’ve learned so much!
@blujey1294-328b9bc4 Can you share it? If you want not everybody to see it you can friend me and share with friends (I was gonna send thee friend request but can’t find the button to do so)
@tyller_ I shared it for everyone (set it to public) and I think you can click on the link https://play.creaticode.com/projects/6789294c9d4344c8ce37e611
@blujey1294-328b9bc4 https://play.creaticode.com/projects/67910a97ef88686bff922e9e
I have fixed it, I changed the clone player and Brain of Cthulhu sprites, the issues were first, you put the on green flag click script with teh comment “player sprite” in the brian of cthulhu sprite, it should be in the player sprite. I then changed some stuff so it uses the Clone sprite for stuff (that way the clones can’t damage the player) -
@tyller_ TYSM