more security-related account control
Could there be easier ways to manage your account? It felt uncomfortable changing my password on my userpage a bit, usually websites have a page where you manage all your account settings, like changing your password, since at the moment it’s more scattered around the topnav.
I also want to be able to have an option that signs you out of all devices, especially because I have a strong feeling someone may have logged into my account on a device I forgot to logout on, since the last modified date of one of my projects looked suspicious like “3 minutes ago” . I changed my password and it felt like nothing happened, the page didn’t even refresh.
Sure. We will make some improvements on these issues. thanks.
@info-creaticode I’m sorry if this comes off as disrespectful, but please add a page to control your account quicker. I just need a way or button to sign out all sessions because I really think my account may be compromised.
It says “last updated a few seconds ago” and I am CERTAIN i do not have an open tab at the moment with that nor did I open the project today. Yet it still says modified a couple seconds ago. I think someone might have access to my account and although I changed my password there isnt much I can even do about it.Hopefully, the case might just be that it just says modified because one of its stats changed (like number of hearts) rather than the actual project itself being modified.
No need to worry. When someone else runs your project or remix it, we also treat it as “updated”, and it would bring the project higher in the “My Stuff” project list.