You should try and make a system to download stuff
This is not very clear. Can you explain more?
@info-creaticode I believe they meant button widget blocks that allow you to download files and upload files. These would be pretty useful, like for saving your game data (like coins and whatnot) to a text file on your computer rather than on the cloud as a preference. Uploading files would also be pretty useful too.
@info-creaticode In Coding Town, you download a file to save your game. That’s what I’m asking. Just like what @jeffreyrb03-gmail said.
OK. You can already download any text into a text file using variables like this:
@info-creaticode Hm, ok I see the first one does export but what about an import one? Like you import a file from your computer to something like a variable.
Is there any particular reason you don’t want to save the data in the cloud? It is much more reliable and automated than asking users to download/upload files.
@info-creaticode Im just wondering
No problem. We can add a new block that will open a file selector window for user to pick a file, then store its content in a variable.
@info-creaticode uploading files is just an important and convenient feature , im not sure how to put it differently. For example, if I were making a Minecraft like game (which i am) then I would want to make it so you could save your world as a file, because files are easy and convenient, like they can be shared and emailed effortlessly. Some users of my game might also not want their world saved to the cloud for whatever reason, so I would offer an option like that instead, which would need an import file block.
We have added a new block to import a txt or csv file into a variable:
@info-creaticode Thank you!