Date Picker Widget
In some apps, the user needs to specify a date. For example, to make a reservation on a day, or add an event to a calendar on a day. You can use the date picker widget to allow the user to pick a date, instead of typing it.
Add a Date Picker
You can use the following block to add a date picker widget centered at the given x/y position:
It will start with a default value of today’s date, and you can pick any other date:
Handle Date Selection
When the user has chosen a new date, you can use the “when widget changes” hat-block to handle this event. The updated date value will be stored in the “value of widget” block. For example, we can make the sprite say the newly selected date using these 2 blocks:
Setting a Date Value
If you do not want the initial date to be today’s value, you can change it using the “set value to” block: