Editing a List Using Blocks
You can easily edit a list using blocks, such as adding new items, removing some items, or changing the value of some items.
Appending a New Item
This block can be used to add a new item at the bottom of the list. The length of the list will increase by 1 each time we run this block.
- Value: the number or text to be added. If you leave this field empty, an empty item will be added to the list.
- List Name: select the name of the list. You need to create that list before you can choose it in this dropdown.
Inserting a New Item
If you want the new item to be placed at a particular position (not at the bottom), you can use the insert block.
- value: the number or text to be added. If you leave this field empty, an empty item will be inserted to the list.
- Position Index: the position of the new item. For example, if the list already has 2 items, then the position index parameter can only be 1, 2 or 3.
- List Name: the name of the list. You need to add at least one list manually first.
Replacing an Item
You can change the value of an item in the list if you know its position index.
- Position Index: the position of the item to be changed. For example, if the list already has 3 items, then the position index parameter can only be 1, 2 or 3.
- List Name: the name of the list.
- Value: the new value for that item, and it can be empty as well.
Deleting an Item by Its Position Index
You can remove an item from the list with this block if you know its position.
- Position Index: the position of the item to be deleted. For example, if the list already has 3 items, then the position index parameter can only be 1, 2 or 3.
- List Name: the name of the list.
Deleting an Item by Its Value
This block allows you to delete an item by its value. This is handy when you do not know the position of the item to be deleted, but you know its value.
- Value: The value of the item to be deleted. If that value can not be found in the list, then no item will be deleted. When more than one item has this value, only the first item with this value will be deleted.
- List Name: The name of the list.
Deleting All Items
This block will delete all items in a list and make the list empty.
Changing the Value of an Item
These 2 blocks allow us to increase or decrease an item’s value by some number:
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