Turn Left () Degrees | Turn Right ( ) Degrees
Turn Blocks
Turn blocks let you turn your SpriteTurn Left and Turn Right Blocks
There are 2 types of turn blocks:
Both turn blocks are in the Motion group:
To use the turn block, click on the Motion group. Then drag the turn block into the coding area:
When you click on the turn right block your Sprite turns right:
When you click on the turn left block your Sprite turns left:Number of Degrees
Suppose we write 20 in the turn block, then each time we click the block, the sprite will turn 20 degrees.
If we write 50 in the turn block, it will turn by a bigger angle
The larger the degree value, the more the sprite will turn each time. Usually, we pick a degree number between 1 and 180. The turn happens very very quickly, but it would look like this in slow motion:
Here are some commonly used degree numbers. Feel free to try them out!Learn More