Build and Export Your Own 3D Model
If you have built an object yourself using simple shapes, such as a table, you can export this object as a model file, which can be used for 3D printing or shared as a community model.
Preparing an Object for Export
Before you can export an object as a model file, you first need to prepare it. The goal is to make one part of the model the parent of all the other parts.
For example, this table is composed of a tabletop and 4 legs. To export this table, we first need to take 2 steps:
- Give a name to each of these 5 box shapes.
- Set the tabletop box as the parent of the 4 legs.
Export the Object
Now you can use the “export object” block to export this object to a file. The input should be the name of the parent object that you specified in the previous step.
If you need a “GLB” file for sharing, then you should use the “export object ( ) as a GLB file” block. If you need a “STL” file for 3D printing, then you should use the second block.
When you run these blocks, it will show a dialog box for you to specify the file name.
Try it yourself:
Do not export models or avatars from the library
Note that you should not export objects you loaded using “add model”, “add community model” or “add avatar” blocks, because it might violate the license of those models.
In fact, the “export object” blocks will automatically filter out these objects when you export them.