Magic Wand Selector in the Costume Editor
In the costumer editor, when the costume is in bitmap mode (as opposed to vector mode), you can use the magic wand tool to select an area with similar colors, then delete the designated area or fill it with a new color.
Making a Selection
To make a selection, you simply need to select the magic wand tool, then click on the area you would like to select. It can be of any shape, and may even contain holes in it:
Behind the scenes, it uses a “flood fill” algorithm to expand the selected area into neighboring points, so long as their colors are similar to the point you have clicked.Note that if your computer is slow or if the costume is big, then it will take longer for this tool to determine the selected area.
Changing the Tolerance Threshold
When the magic wand is selected, you can specify a tolerance threshold value. Its value is between 1 and 255, and by default, it is 5. This value represents how much difference in color it would tolerate when it tries to expand the selection area:
- When the value is low, it will make sure the selected area only contains points very similar to the point you have clicked;
- As the value increases, it will include more points even if they are more different from the starting point.
As shown, when you change this value, the selected area will be updated automatically:
Delete or Fill the Selected Area
After you have made the selection, there are 2 operations you can do with those points:
- You can click the “Delete” button or press the DELETE key to delete all of those points;
- You can also pick a color from the “Fill” dropdown, then click the “Fill” button to fill the selected area with that color.