The Explore Page
On the Explore page, you can view all the projects that are shared or published by other users. This is the best way for you to find fun games to play or learn how to code from others.
Getting to the “Explore” Page
There are many ways for you to get to the “Explore” page:
You can click the Explore menu on the top menu bar:
From the playground page, you can click this button
on the top right corner.
When you click your user name on the top right, there should be a link like this:
Project List
Each box in the Explore page represents one project that’s shared or published by some user. It tells us a few things about that project:
- Preview: what the project looks like when you run it
- Project Name: you can click on the project name to visit this project’s main page.
- User Name: you can click on the user name to visit this user’s main page.
- User Avatar Icon
- Number of Loves: how many users have marked this project as “loved”.
- Number of Views: how many users have opened this project.
- Number of Blocks: how many blocks you have used in that project. This number tells us how big that project is.
Shared or Published?
The explore page shows projects that are shared or published. To quickly tell if a project is shared or published, you can look at its border. If there is an orange border, then that project is published, so you can not look inside or remix it.
Sorting Order of Projects
You can control how the projects are sorted, using the “sort by” menu.
Trending: This is the default option. The projects on top are marked as loves or favorites by the most users recently.
Popular: The projects on top are marked as loves or favorites by the most users in total at all times.
Recent: The projects on top are shared or published the most recently.
Search for A Project
There are too many projects on the Explore page, so you can not easily find what you are looking for if you are just browsing the list. It is much easier to use the search box on the top.
Here are some common ways to decide which words to search for:
Search by Project Name: Most of the time, we search for a project by its name. For example, if you are looking for a maze game, you should search by “maze game”.
Search by Block Text: This is a great way to search for projects that use a block. For example, if you search for “forever”, then you will get all the projects that uses the “forever” block.
Search by User Name: If you know a user’s user name, you can simply search by that. For example, if you search for “CreatiCode”, you will find all projects shared or published by the user “CreatiCode TA”.