Model Animations
Suppose you already know how to make an avatar run some animations. You can also make some models run animations, such as making a dragon fly:
Block for Starting an Animation on a Model
Unlike avatar animations, you do not need to add any animation to a model. Instead, you simply need to run this block to start an animation:
Note that this block is very similar to the “start animation” block for avatars. The only difference is in how the animation name (the first input) is specified:All avatars share the same set of animations, and the list of animations is very large. That’s why by default an avatar does not know any animation except for “idle”, and we need to add additional animation capabilities to it.
For models, because different models are capable of very different types of animations, we don’t have a standard list of animations to use on every model. Instead, you will need to type in the name of the animation yourself. You can refer to the list below to find out all the animations supported by the model you are using. If you leave this field blank, then the default animation for that model will be used.
Animations for Each Model (Continuously Updated)
The list below tells you the animations available for each model. For example, if you are using the “Butterfly” model, the list below tells you that you can choose from 2 possible animations for it: “idle” or “fly”.
Note that the models are listed from A to Z, so you can find the model you are using quickly.
- Aardwolf: idle, jump, run, walk
- Arctic Fox: idle, jump, run, walk
- African Hunting Dog: idle, jump, run, walk
- Bat: crawl, die, dive, eat, fly, idle
- Bison: idle, jump, run, walk
- Bottle Nose Dolphin: swim1, still, jump, jump2
- Brachiosaur: idle, jump, run, walk
- Buffalo: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Buffalo 2: idle, jump, run, sit, sit_idle, stand_up, walk
- Butterfly : idle, fly
- Cat: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Cheetah: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Chick: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Chimpanzee: idle, jump, run, walk
- Clown Fish 02: idle1, swim1
- Cobra Snake Elongated: idle, jump, run, walk
- [censored]roach: die, idle, jump, run
- Cow: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Crow: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Dog: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Donkey: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Dove: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Dragon: breath_fire_straight, breath_fire_side, fly, fly_breathing_fire_side, fly_breathing_fire_straight, idle, move_left_side, move_right_side, obey, roar, walk
- Duck: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Duck 2 : die, eat, fly, idle, land, take_off, walk
- Eagle: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Eagle 2: die, eat, fly, idle, walk
- Elephant: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Elephant 2: rise, attack, idle, stop, walk, run, eat, die
- Elephant 3: idle, jump, run, walk
- Elk: idle, jump, run, walk
- Ferret: idle, jump, run, walk
- Flamingo: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Fox: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Fox 2: idle, jump, run, walk
- Giant Grouper: swim1, swim2
- Gazelle: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Goldfish: bounce, clicked, death, eat, fear, idle, jump, roll, run, splash, swim, walk
- Gorilla: idle, jump, run, walk
- Hammerhead Shark: swim, slowswim
- Hen: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Hippo: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Hippo 2: idle, jump, run, walk
- Hog: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Honey Badger: idle, jump, run, walk
- Hornbill: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Horse 1: idle, jump, run, walk
- Horse 2: idle, jump, run, walk
- Hyena: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Labrador: idle, jump, run, walk
- Leopard: idle, jump, run, walk
- Lion: idle, jump, run, walk
- Manta Ray: mantaglide, mantaslowswim
- Mangoose: idle, jump, run, walk
- Mice: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Mastiff: idle, jump, run, walk
- Meerkat: idle, jump, run, walk
- Monkey: idle, jump, run, walk
- Moose: idle, jump, run, walk
- Mouse: die, eat, fight, idle, walk
- Nurse Shark: idle1, swim1
- Oryx: idle, jump, run, walk
- Ostrich: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Owl: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Ox: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Parrot: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Penguin: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Pig: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Pigeon: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- PolarBear: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Rabbit: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Racc oon: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Raptor: idle, jump, run, walk
- Rat: die, eat, idle, run, walk
- rattlesnake: idle, jump, run, walk
- Reindeer: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Rhino: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Rhino 2: idle, jump, run, walk
- Rhino 3: die, idle, run, taunt, walk
- Rooster: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Sable Antelope: idle, jump, run, walk
- Sea Snake: idle1, still, swim1, swim2, swim3
- Seagul: die, eat, fly, idle, walk
- Seal: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Sheep: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Shepherd: alert, attack, bark_01, bow, die, eat, get_up, howl, idle, look_around, run, sit, walk
- Snake: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Snake 2: attack, die, idle, walk
- SnowyOwl: bounce, clicked, death, fear, fly, idle, jump, peck, roll, run, spin, walk
- Sparrow: die, eat, fly, idle, walk
- Spider: die, eat, idle, walk
- Spinasaur: idle, jump, run, walk
- Stegosaur: idle, jump, run, walk
- Stork: die, eat, fly, idle, walk
- Swallow: die, eat, fly, idle, walk
- Tortoise: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- T-Rex: idle, jump, run, walk
- Unicorn: idle, fly, run, walk_01, walk_02
- Walrus: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- weasel: idle, jump, run, walk
- Wildebeest: idle, jump, run, walk
- Wolf: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Zebra: bounce, clicked, death, fear, idle, jump, munch, roll, run, spin, swim, walk
- Zebra 2: idle, jump, run, walk
In this program, we add a “Dragon” model, then make it run the “fly” animation: